TwistedCupid January 27, 2021 7:00 pm

Does anyone know any magic spells that can make a woman pregnant with a dude's baby? Like, they could just get a surrogate mom? And then they can raise the baby. They can call the sequel, my two Kings and a baby. Who will volunteer as tribute? I just want them to be married and happy! Is there seriously no one they can adopt or have a surrogate with? ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Also please SHIN! Take care of yourself dude! This guy is going to wear himself to the Bone. What's with the migraines? Is he having a tumor? Is he pregnant? Wait, can guys get pregnant in this world? This story has taken a turn.

TwistedCupid January 23, 2021 5:47 pm

Okay, we waited all this time and we're hoping for a reunions but that was the most piss-poor reunions between father and children I have seen yet. He's screaming and yelling jumps on her and then when he sees the kids he's like, shrugs and said though that's cool. I guess I was hoping more reaction but it was like, I seen better reactions from a cat to a laser pointer. It's always about her first, barely about the babies... and the attack on the Eagle guy, I guess that had to happen but, just when she agreed and then she was like, never mind. Let's go to the cave with the snake guy. But seriously? I was hoping for better reunions between Curtis and the baby cubs. I didn't even write a focus piece or panel that shows the love or some kind of emotions between them. It was just basically a shrug and a oh cool part. Did she run out of panel space? The Eagle guy had a more emotional reaction to the babies than Curtis did.

    Mochi.neko_ January 23, 2021 6:07 pm

    You mean Parker not Curtis, Curtis hasn’t met the Cubs yet

    Mochi.neko_ January 23, 2021 6:07 pm

    But yes I agree with you

    TwistedCupid January 24, 2021 7:16 am
    You mean Parker not Curtis, Curtis hasn’t met the Cubs yet Mochi.neko_

    Yeah Parker... Curtis wouldn't bother with the cubs at all. He practically just left his own snake babies on their lonesome.. and chased them out. They didn't
    even got a chance to say goodbye to their own mother. She didn't even ask about them or ask to see where they went or if they got there safely. You know, if the kids are just there for plot convenience, at least give them some significance to the main character. If not, then why bother having them at all? Maybe I'm reading too much into it and it is just frustrating... I don't know.

    lily January 24, 2021 8:01 am

    I honestly did think his reaction was pretty lame
    But can we talk about her leaving newborn babies/Cubs that are only a day old at home?
    Dispute knowing they need to be feed and given attention

    Honestly their both bad parents
    But qingqing is just inconsiderate while parker is just not affectionate to his kids and only pays attention to his wife

    TwistedCupid January 24, 2021 4:04 pm
    I honestly did think his reaction was pretty lameBut can we talk about her leaving newborn babies/Cubs that are only a day old at home?Dispute knowing they need to be feed and given attentionHonestly their both... lily

    Omg yes! I totally agree with that. I was so mad at how she was like, I have to go see him right away. Even though I have multiple babies with me. I don't think they mean a lot to her. The babies are so weak and small. Honestly, I've never read a more annoying and frustrating character in this one. Is the kids don't mean a lot to her, they are just another plot device. Kids are not accessories. I honestly hope that in the end of the story, she ends up going back to her world and getting therapy.

    lily January 25, 2021 7:12 am
    Omg yes! I totally agree with that. I was so mad at how she was like, I have to go see him right away. Even though I have multiple babies with me. I don't think they mean a lot to her. The babies are so weak an... TwistedCupid

    Finally someone who agrees with me
    On my orignal topic I asked why is she leaving the babies alone isnt that bad parenting

    And people commented that I'm dense because shes rushing over to a spouse who could be injured or hurt

    But then I was like WHAT
    You have children now who are defenseless and you just gave birth so your weak currently
    Plus didnt parker say he checked it out and all that was their was a burnt cave meaning he's not there
    Also he's alive since his mark didnt disappeare
    Maybe I am dense but to the fact the FL is just a bad mother and insensitive character.

    I feel bad for the lioness that shes useing to feed her Cubs though
    It's a bit to unfair for that character to be tied to a tree without freedom forced to feed someone else kids while being away from your own ╥﹏╥

    TwistedCupid January 28, 2021 3:30 am
    Finally someone who agrees with meOn my orignal topic I asked why is she leaving the babies alone isnt that bad parentingAnd people commented that I'm dense because shes rushing over to a spouse who could be in... lily

    You are so right. The Babies are helpless... obviously her snake and cheetah simps can handle themselves.

    lily January 28, 2021 5:26 am
    You are so right. The Babies are helpless... obviously her snake and cheetah simps can handle themselves. TwistedCupid

    Lmao ikr they seriously were so mad at me XD

TwistedCupid January 20, 2021 4:20 am

Whatever happened to this novel? It has been decades! Why didn't they continue it? After all the artwork that they invested in, how could they just drop it? It's going to end up being forgotten. It's such a tragedy. That the author die? This sucks because the artwork is absolutely beautiful and a detail is mind-blowing.

TwistedCupid January 9, 2021 12:04 pm

I feel bad for the girl. She didn't mean to spread that rumor. She just wanted the guy to stop being mean to him. I wish there was some way to fix it. I wonder if he'll do that? Also, who is just as surprised as I am by the end?

    Ankledestroyer69 January 11, 2021 9:06 am

    She definitely didn’t deserve to be terminated because she isn’t a bad person. Of course it wasn’t right to take things out of context but she didn’t know that and she was worried about how people were treating YiYi. I really hope she can come back...

    TwistedCupid January 11, 2021 4:58 pm
    She definitely didn’t deserve to be terminated because she isn’t a bad person. Of course it wasn’t right to take things out of context but she didn’t know that and she was worried about how people were ... Ankledestroyer69

    Same! She was so sweet and she only said to that loud mouth in order to get him to shut up and be better. That just bit her in the backside in the end.

TwistedCupid December 24, 2020 5:02 pm

Some of you all, are hilarious with your zingers. You say the most hilarious stuff on how bad this is. I come here to read your best and funniest insults to this story. You are all gold ☆.

٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Stay Savage <3

TwistedCupid December 24, 2020 4:52 pm

I do! I stan DAME. If you don't love Dame, then you are an android. She is a precious gem and hero and a cat person and dang it! She is a breath of fresh air and hearts . I am joining the Dame army to protect The King and His BF.
BTW... Who got Scorpia vibes from her? (●'◡'●)ノ
I love Knights who know how to throw down and she is also a beefcake... she is the Scorpia of my dreams.

TwistedCupid December 20, 2020 5:36 am

From what I could tell, it's all way up to episode 64. Why is it stopped at this for so long? Are they no longer updating here?

TwistedCupid December 17, 2020 5:53 am

Why is it only stopping at here? Where's the rest? On YouTube you can see a lot more chapters. But I prefer to read it instead of trying to pause and read what's going on. Why is there no future chapters going on? Was this website caught? Did somebody tell on us? ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Eggbutt December 17, 2020 8:28 am

    Though it is currently a few chaps behind, WEBTOON offers this story for free 2 days a week!

TwistedCupid December 17, 2020 5:47 am

I'm all good when it comes to smoking the Mary-Jane, but is he smoking Mary Jane or opium? I hope he doesn't get addicted to drugs. That is such a downer. I'm starting to get worried

TwistedCupid December 5, 2020 4:44 pm

I came here looking for the manga I saw advertised on YouTube. Interview with a murderer... but this is not it? For one thing, the killer has white hair and is in prison uniform and the guy who's interviewing him is supposed to be the reporter. I'm so mixed up. Are there TWO mangas with the same title? Or is this a prequel? Or sequel??? Or remake???

    Bethels December 5, 2020 4:53 pm

    You’re looking for Criminal Interview

    pluto666 December 5, 2020 6:30 pm

    wait this isnt it?? i honestly forgot what the ad was but i saw it too n just remembered the title-- pls this was so good tho

    Shanks December 6, 2020 10:29 pm

    SAME! I saw an add with white haired murderer and it said this was the name but I started reading this and it wasn’t at all the same. But that link above is it. (Ps I binge read the whole thing and ITS SO GOOD I LOVED IT THANKS DOE THE REAL NAME BRO)

    Fizzie December 7, 2020 5:06 am

    I thought I was the only one that came looking for it! But It’s not- it’s still good tho lol

    orange December 7, 2020 3:36 pm

    deadass, I was waiting for him to go to jail lol

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