Okay does anyone know what the pink hair girl or the red-headed Prince dude is doing? Does anyone care? I don't care. And I guess the other characters are cool and the main blonde prints that's the love interest is all right but, the only people I care about is the little brother and the main character. Give me more sibling relationship and heartwarming moments between them. It's like, that's what I look forward to. I want to see the little boy be protective or be cute around his sister and they have fun and get along and do magic. Everything else it's all right but just not as interesting as the little brother and the main character
Actually hoping for Redemption Arc for him. Yeah he did some wrong but he loved his little sister and I'm sorry but I thought that was a redeeming feature. He didn't want his sister to get hurt and he didn't know that she was going to get kidnapped by his crazy girlfriend. So I was sad to hear that he's going to get executed and she doesn't feel sorry at all? He loved his little sister. Just got to be some kind of redemption art. You can't just execute him. That's so sad
I'm talking about the little sister of the main character guy. Yeah he cared about his little sister. What part did you read that he tried to get her murdered? I can see that at all. It was his crazy girlfriend that tried to get her kidnapped and brainwashed. The crazy girlfriend got away with it but why is he being sentenced? Come on man he cared about his little sister. Even if she was illegitimate he was there for her and he cared about her opinion. What did you read the part where he tried to hurt her unless he was under some brainwashing
The people waving red flags really tells you about the main Heroes of the story. I'm sorry but am I supposed to sympathize with a queen that allows slavery in her system and then is shocked that a slave girl wants a better life and but doesn't know how or doesn't know any better? Girl is now just trying to be petty, and I'm not having it. Also why did the other chick have to hang herself? Because she wanted to come out like what? Wanted to be the Mistress of the king or something? Because she spread a rumor? So she had to go and kill herself? Is it a little bit too overreactive? Is that whole place is full of toxic royals. I hope they have a revolt. The French Revolution needs to happen in this thing.
Not woke (tho thanks cause i love my civil rights), just not a royalist. Hear me.out, Let's not lose pur sense of objectivity when we romanticize royalty and forget our own history. The institution of monarchy like we see in this story, is STILL built on exploitation, oppression, and bloodshed. The truth is, most of us have ancestors who were enslaved, colonized, or marginalized by the very same power structures that stories like these royalty represents.
Rashta's story resonates deeply with me because it's a reflection of our own struggles against systemic oppression and becoming lost in it. By siding with the Empress, we're essentially being manipulated into supporting the same class system our descendants who were enslaved, exploited, and brutalized by, our very ancestors.
We must remember that our grandparents fought tirelessly for independence, equality, and justice. By sympathizing with the oppressors (even in fiction), we're erasing their struggles and legitimizing the harmful power dynamics that have held us back for centuries and throwing trash on someone who is being "taught a lesson in trying to gain freedom and escape their position in society... ie if your low class, you stay in low class...".
Let's face it, some of our European or Spanish features probably came from the very side that had SA or abused one of our ancestors that resembled that closely resembled Rashta (a pretty girl that can't say no) than a noble lady like Navier, and we should recognize that. Let's not be swayed by the glamour of royalty or the false narrative that power equals righteousness. Our ancestors' legacies demand we stand against oppression, not perpetuate it. Just saying.
Also, if you’re studying shit about history, you should know that people hundreds of years ago are so baseless when it comes to their morals. They reflect life with fantasy because they lack in knowledge and education. Our ethics and morals have such solid foundations because of the world’s history that we learned from so simple fantasy stories like this would not sway us because we’re educated enough; which doesn’t seem to be the same thing as yours because you still reflect your reality with these kinds of stories like uneducated people from the past.
I agree with reading with discernment especially since I know media can have a big influence on easily impressionable people, but I'm curious if you could elaborate more on what you mean by fighting against oppression today? Assuming you're from the US, do you mean racially or governmentally? Are you trying to bring out the negative light on the imperialistic system because of class oppression? Are you trying to praise capitalism and is upset that people romanticize fantasy Imperialism? And why have you decided to comment political aspects when you know you could backlash becuase it's just a fiction fantasy story?
I am an art student. What makes you think that the only classes I'll be doing well in is in art? Once again, you got to paint everybody with the same brush? It's so stereotypical, you watch TV and you think you know what art students are like, just like how media shapes your opinions and perspectives on people, I'm just pointing out, that these stories might seem harmless but, just like it shaped your awareness of others, this can normalize being a royalist.
No, it won’t. I’m not like you. I’m a perfectly normal human being that’s educated.
You don’t reply to comments that debunked your ideology with rational reasoning because you know you're dumb and can’t answer them. And obviously you're going trolling as a political student cause who the fuck studies pol sci and history and lets fiction affect their mentality? Lol
I was hoping her adopted foster family would pop up and her adopted brother would be the ML. I'm not liking the wizard dude. He seems lame (NO NOT THE BLOMD ROYAL BROTHERS!!! NO NO NO!!! I'M TALKING ABOUT Berry's Black Smith Family's brother.... the one shelved as her brother but had to leave them to live in the Castle....OH GOD I SEE WHY I WAS GETTING THUMB DOWNS....) I just wish we got to see more of the blacksmith family because they sound so wholesome compared to the Royal brothers that are jerks. But I wasn't talking about them. I was just hoping they would come into the picture and then Odette would meet the blacksmith guy and, according to barry, her brother's super strong and you know, he would protect Odette and they would be a couple and you know, they would be a happy family. Away from the toxic Royal Brothers. Oh god! I can see why this is you know, confusing
Him being "injured" (≧∀≦) dude was so funny.