if this manga ends with some sort of open ended or vague half-closure, like a shot of yona's eyes widening as the dragon gods appear to respond, cliffhanged into a panel of an old and wrinkly zeno watching from the trees as yona's children run around the palace with people who Possibly Look Like the other dragon warriors, i'm Simply Going to Die
the author has a tendency to storytell in a way where cliffhangers aren't directly resolved, instead eventually inferred by the results of the cut off cliffhanger that we often see other character reacting to, and while it makes for a super dynamic read idk how i'd survive that sort of ending too?? but i also cant see us being blessed with an explicitly happy ending????? god this manga has me overthinking more than i do for social interactions
anyone know the last chapter's novel chapter? i read it so long ago i cannot find it otl