YOUCRAZY BASTARD HELM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH... the plot is really good oh my fucking god I fr thought this will be just some kind of furry kink where they have sex every 5 seconds but boy I was wrong oh my god I was genuinely baffled about the fact that this has a plot and that it's actually really good.

This is amazing, truly wonderful. I love the fact that the characters actually have a personality instead of just being cold hearted and a damsel in distress I love it. I don't get why this has low ratings tho, the m isn't toxic he's funny and actually cares about the MC, the MC is strong willed too he doesn't just cry and wait for the ml to save him. The side characters are fun and the also have a personality, their stories are interesting as well I would like to read the story of the Yuri couple. Anw this is a 10/10 for me no toxicity, amazing angst, amazing plot and just pure perfection

The truth of low rating, (in the beginning) some of them vote my work 1* because it's "reupload". Regardless of quality, they just give 1* for reupload. You can check "oldest comment, review", the comments are only about this work being a repeat.
Thankfully others cheer me on, now we are near ending.
I'm still picking works that have"other" translation, as well as something no one touched. The "reupload" haters will hate, my supporters will follow if they want to. I'll just focus on that.
My other translations
Addicted to Deathly Desire (rework) #yaoi
No One on Titan #sci-fi #thriller
Cockpit (short 3 ep pornhwa) #yaoi #non-con

JOSEPH should've been the endgame.. instead of the blonde twink whatever his name is or Keira ending up with no one like in the novel cuz she's a girlboss...erez the blonde whatever can't be the endgame they have to be joking JOSEPH was with Keira from the start before and after her reincarnation he never left and betrayed her yet they're just gonna throw
him in the trash just like that just because of some blonde twink.. Erez never really cared for Keira(well on her first life he never bothered with her) and he only got interested in her because of the deal he made with Keira asshat of a father.. it doesn't make sense how he's the endgame JOSEPH should've been the one..

Woah.. This is just utter bullshit now.. I took a break from this because u wanna read it when it ends already so I don't have to wait but your telling me erez is the ml?? What the fuck. I don't know what went through their minds when making this but fuck them this is bullshit what the fuck, joseph should've been the end game if the manwha was going in the romance route that's fucking crazy. Personally I would've preferred it if she ended up alone without any romantic interest just like in the novel but if thy were going to the romance route I wouldn't have minded either but erez??? Really?? Joseh is literally right there what the fuck I really really really wouldn't have minded the romance if it was joseph that's the end game really I rooted for home ever since the start. And also erez and Keira aren't even compatible with each other... Their romance are forced af. Erez being the end game is fucking utterly shitty fucking bullshit because joseh was there for Keira in evey time line they were in.. He truly loved her, he was there for her when she had no one else. The only one who truly believed that she was innocent he protected her from everything and just wants to genuinely see her be happy erez being end game doesn't make sense he literally only beacme interested because that son of a bitch of a father made a deal with him.. That's all he doesn't even gaf about her on the first timeline

Okay so I read the raws and it seems like chapter 60 is the end of s1(?) Or just the story. But for me it seems like it really is the end no s2 or any continuation as the ending picture justs says 'complete' or at least that what google says. Also I really love that they showed the characters that appeared on the beggining when halo was still new and all, like I love how they didn't forget about them and actually care about the side characters. And also Idk if it's because I can't understand what they're saying at all that I found the ending kinda rushed but overall it's still a 10/10 till the end.

I got too invested and was impatient to wait for updates so I read the novel and when I tell you boy I was mad dumi g like what the fuck is wrong with that fuckass of an asshole no amount of character development will make up for the shits he caused I hate this bitch so much I cried cuz of rage fuckinh fucker son of a bitch he literally locked him up and manipulated him and also broke their contract like son of a bitch?? all just because you don't understand that you love him, bro literally almost killed luce/Ruth what the fuck

I kwon!!! I also read it(haven't finish), and he is a jerk, even when Ruth tells him he loves him and ML accepts his feelings, his still a jerk!. Like he tells Ruth he's going to force, lock him, hurt him if he dosen't come with him, because even of he breaks him he dosen't care and Ruth must accept it

The story is interesting and the art is good, Ruth has good people around him. It's just sometimes i wished the prince would shut up, also, i mean he feel in love with a 14 yo boy and knew prince was a jerk and childish. Both ignored everyone advises and help because they love each other, so...
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
NOO this should be a crime wtf
Why do authors always gotta leave us on cliffhangers bro..
the authors didnt, please wait for the next update on the 19th!!