Im gonna need everyone to hold my hands cuz I'm about to fucking throw hands to that so called mother of Ian fucking immature son of a fucking bitch. What the hell is wrong with your brain for you to try and use your son just for you to feel appreciated? Like instead of actually getting real help from some kind of therapist to help you overcome your problems instead you chose to use your son as a way for you to cope and feel appreciated and seen, it's disgusting how someone like that can be a mother.

Okay aside from how amazing this manhua is can we pls talk about how amazingthe translator is like actually actually it's the first time I've ever read a manhua in my whole 7 years of reading did I ever read such precise and understable translations like they're soo good?? They even provided expanations for like confusing thing and it's such a life changer. Who ever you are translator him thank you so much for doing such a great job and for free too, tbh if only I wasn't broke I would gladly pay you for doing an amazing job dndndns anww thank you very much.
I can't stop thinking abt bamby everytime I see Yuri OMG he's so cute