Is there a novel for this story? Honestly refreshing Mc we have. Spoiled but not entitled or ungrateful. Just like a cat that would allow you to touch her if you feed her haha. I love how everyone who knows her is an enabler of her acting selfish and apathetic most of the time because I know it's because they understand the weight of her crown and that she was too young and innocent when it was given to her.
Really made me cry when her 'stupid bear' father died. Fuck everyone who pushed a 'hunter' to take the weight of danger just bcos he was a hunter. Like fuck can they not comprehend that there are levels of strength and that not just bcos you became a hunter then you can face anything?? Fuck those civilians especially MC's pathetic grandma.
It was a great take to make the MC a 'king' and live like it. Not some hero who saves the day and bears endless burden bcos of her powers.
One thing tho. I'm extremely curious abt her 'STAR', I just know he'll be the MC but it'll be human to celestial and even before they got connected he mentioned abt her being his. So I'm really in for some back story