this stpry bcos of comments about FL losing weight and that the story lost its essence bcos of that but now that I've finished it I'm glad that I read it despite the reviews.
Honestly it's just a pure love story between 2 individuals with the out of norm visuals compared to usual shoujo manga.
FL just enjoys eating and it shows in her face. Her shape never mattered and ML is just a caring big brother who prepares his sister's lunch box so that she doesn't get teased and coincidentally has delinquent visuals.
FL finds out abt ML's cooking practice and ends up getting a taste of his dishes. They both enjoyed each other's traits with a bit of miscommunication and ends up falling in love with a bit of trouble along the way.
The bullying part was bad but ultimately, the story never revolved around their visuals. It's just a normal love story where MC's enjoyed making and eating food.
Came here to read from watching the anime. I GET IT NOW WHY YA PEOPLE ARE DISAPPOINTED THEY DIDN'T INCLUDE C.56 part!! That was hilarious.
Seimei is also Rintaro's first love, he was asked the same question in the spin off
That too and the anime has cut lots of scenes from the manga they didn't even showed mame in his irl form they only showed him in chibi