With the ending we've got, they put this lack of confidence and communication on the side story? How does that make any sense!?
Sweetie, get a grip and talk directly! If you can't trust or confide in your partner, then why on earth are you with him?
I know they're navigating this new relationship and it's not always easy, but don't make it more complicated by not speaking your mind, the two of them.
And inserting an ex bond now? How can someone like so much unnecessary drama...
I thought it would be them bonding, and maybe a wedding and kids, and a little of day to day life.
(Personal opinion if you don't like it, ignore it)

Move lady! Do fucking something! You could have prevented some from the beginning! (︶︿︶)=凸 uffff
Staying still and forcing the man you "love" not to defend himself or you helped a looot eeh sweetie (sarcasm)
Hope at least she jumps into the water at the next chapter...
The story lost the appeal for me, I'm just here for the ending at this rate
Personal opinion, if you don't like it don't even bother
Ugh, sweetie forget that airhead girl and go to airu, it's so much more worth it.
That girl... It's like an empty shell that says things just in the moment without depth, thinks for 5 seconds, forgets what her emotions were to the first guy who comes close and is self-centered to no limits
(Personal opinion, if you don't like it, ignore it)