I remember reading this bl of an extroverted guy with blonde hair(?), he liked to sneak out of school during the night. There was this Black haired guy who liked him since their school days together, when they got older the blonde haired guy worked at like this company(?) and they met again but the Blondie didn’t recognize him. I’m pretty sure there was a part when the blonde guy got a hickey from the black haired guy and he covered it up with a bandage and when asked he said a cat(?) or a dog scratched him..? I don’t really remember the rest but I know the blonde haired guy has a cousin(?) or like a friend he calls and he talks about the black haired guy and the friend(?) he was calling was telling him he’s probably gay but the blonde haired guy denies it. His friend he calls remembers the name of the black haired guy from somewhere. And like at the end all 3 of them meet up at a cafe. I read it like a year ago or 2 but I don’t remember what it’s called
No karlyle don’t be sad I’ll slap that friend for you ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ