Nah I might drop this bruh. I don't want romance but here it is, appearing in this martial art story. Ngl Whenever I read martial art stories I always fear there being a love interest(s) or romance and my fears comes true.. :( but it is what it is like that's how the author made the story. Though, the romance ruins it for me, it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

I am re reading this to refresh my memories and damn.. I still luv it <3 It was getting so interesting! I seriously wonder how this will play out.. honestly it's upsetting the author isn't doing well :( I wish them all the best! Like deserve all the love and support. Anyways, I hope this gets updated soon with more chaps

UH.. I am lost, can someone please tell me why seth, horus and the greek god are doing again? What are they trying to do? What's going on??

I'm lost too lol. But from what I understand FG is going to the moon god temple for something related to his contract that he made whit Maat the goddess of wisdom (and I think also with the god of the moon). And Seth is following him bc he want to know what the contract is and to make sure FG doesn't start a war against Egypt. Horus is just tagging along bc he doesn't like the thought of Seth and FG being alone together.
That's all what I understood so far, but I might be wrong.
This is what happens when you give a fuck about people cause you get fucked in return lol