YOOOOOOOOOOO I KNEWW ITT!!! THE TOP KNOWS THE LIL PUPPERS IS THE BOTTOMMM oh I can imagine- the day it gets revealed that the puppy is the bottom and the Top wouldn't be surprised and be like 'I know' that would be funnyyy haha like imagine the shock from the bottom lol
But, well, that's just how I imagined it or something like that.
Also it's so wholesome soo farr >< Barely read or see fluff nowadays

Honestly.. I understand why the omega is reacting like this but like.. they should both chill out first and then have a calm discussion about this. Instead of the alpha forcing it like that and the omega just not stubbornly talking about the situation at hand. Can't blame him tho.. Anyways, ugh, why does every (mostly) shitty story always include lack of communication??? like that's such a common theme and I wanna ripe my hair out whenever I come across it.

is bro trynna gaslight uruma? LMAO that's so funny cuz imagine he just made all this shit up and uruma believed that crap especially cuz the vr is 'replaying' his memories that he don't remember but this is all just part of shigoku's game and uruma got tricked by that fucker. again. What a dumbass. (if that were to be the case)
Ugh what a drama queen