A young girl named Yuki, living in a small town, continued studying art with the goal of becoming an...
- Author:
- Genres: Drama / Horror
A teenage boy returns to his remote home island from the mainland. While people stopped wearing mask...
- Author: Miyatsuki arata
- Genres: Seinen(M) / Shounen / Bloody / Gore / Action / Crime / Ghosts / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Supernatural / Thriller / Tragedy Action Crime Ghosts Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller Tragedy
Satoru Takeichi, also known as Ichigo, works at a sawmill. While working, he got into a mechanical p...
- Author:
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Slice Of Life / Supernatural
A superb modern omnibus horror that deals with themes that symbolize the Reiwa era.Fear that might h...
- Author:
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Mystery / Seinen / Tragedy
From Batoto Scans : “You’re so turned on for someone trapped in this situation…" My sensitiv...
- Author: Fudou fudono
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Josei / Smut / Office Workers / Romance Japanese Manga Office Workers Romance
From Batoto Scans : “…Just now, he was feeling you up all over, right? Unforgivable!” My firs...
- Author: Sumi
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Josei / Smut / Romance / Slice of Life Japanese Manga Romance Slice of Life
Night after night, a mysterious woman runs through Yoongun’s dreams. So when he happens to cat...
- Author: Min hye yoon ,nachyo
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adult / Smut / Drama / Romance
A high school girl, Shizuku, who despairs of living after being bullied at school and sexually abuse...
- Author:
- Genres: Horror / Mature / Seinen / Tragedy
- Author: Kazzenlx
- Genres: Mature / Smut / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / webtoons
Ryo and Zen, who were in the same year in the sales department and had been rivals since their high ...
- Author: Suehiro Machi
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi / Erotica
- Author: Shinozaki mai
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Age Gap / Drama / Incest / Romance / Shounen ai Age Gap Drama Incest Romance Shounen ai
Warning! This is a collection of seriously scary tales! A mysterious day in a certain town. The pri...
- Author: Himekawa kirara,Komuro eiko,Makihara wakana,Mizoguchi ryouko,Moroka kyuuko,Nanase rei,Sakamoto isao,Yokoyama mayumi
- Genres: Shoujo / Horror / Supernatural Horror Supernatural
"I... thought you were dead..."Kinard has lived for revenge after the incident that took place ten y...
- Author: Cha ji ahn
- Genres: Yaoi / Anthology / Drama / Historical / Romance
It was 1999, the year Nostradamus predicted the end of the human race.Riding the unprecedented occul...
- Author:
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Seinen / Supernatural
A man, unhappy with the work he has had to do in life, is involved in an unexpected event ...! He be...
- Author: Matsumoto naoya
- Genres: Action / Horror / Comedy
One day, Doppo, the high school protagonist, suddenly heard a voice from his phone saying "The ...
- Author:
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / School Life / Seinen / Tragedy