Eu não faço idéia de como isso vai continuar, mas eu sinceramente não consigo ver o protagonista ficando com ninguém. O melhor amigo era fanático com aquele quarto bizarro e o outro tava se aproveitando pq jurava que via a ex namorada, e dai ia todo de gentil pra fazer ele beber. Aí pra mim não dá não. Tirando que a história eh toda confusa e nunca dava eh resolvido. Eu continuo lendo pq sou curiosa demais mesmo
tbh whenever I start to read manga shounen ai that begins with friendship I already expect the same things as always and often gets monotonous in 5 chapters BUTTTTTTTT this manga is extremely good. I have no words to explain, there are many reasons and some I do not even know!
We are already in Chapter 17 and they are still friends, but it is not monotonous and only makes us want for more. The author can develop slowly but in a way that is not tiring to read. I've read it twice and it seems insufficient, it seems like I want to reread more and more from the very beginning even knowing everything that happens. Their relationship is very pure. We are witnessing a relationship that will be born from a friendship where they are very respectful to each other. In addition to showing us the vision of someone who is already gay and someone who is getting to know this whole new world as a friend.
I love how human they are and how we can relate to story. I love how it is not only focused on the relationship between them, but it shows the family and the fear of friends. I can feel their feelings, I can feel empathy, cry, laugh and smile along with them. I find myself having fun when they're having fun. It's incredible.Even things that are predictable are still good. The author knows how to develop everything perfectly.
one of my favorites.
[and pleaseeeeee sorry my poor english]