We have many tooth brushes that we don't rly use so I use them to scrub off dirt and stuff that sticks to my shoes. Sometimes I forget and after cleaning them I put them in the cup with the other tooth brushes of my family's. I have a memory of a golden fish that's why ( ̄∇ ̄")
i act like idgaf abt dating and all that in front of people but i acc crave love sm that i sometimes unconsciously treat my friendships like a romantic (nonsexual) relationship then get surprised when they dont act like we're dating so i just hurt myself in the end by self isolating until i feel normal again then the cycle repeats lmao
Interacting with people in real life is draining enough. Why would they want to do it here as well?
I’m asexual and I read yaoi cus I enjoy the sex scenes. I don’t personally feel like having sex with anybody but I don’t mind seeing sex depicted. Besides, usually Shojo romances feature a beyond stupid girl getting the really hot guy. I don’t want to read about a good looking, cool guy dating an idiot. Those type of romances have never ma......
There are many kids in here dawg