Never mind I looked at the ending as a metaphor thing know and I'm sobbing I still can't get over the fsct how they all died the little girl even still had a chance but gave up and then the very next day, it was when they would finally escape all 4 of them whould but only 1 was saved crying my eyes out
Oh my god that was amazing Is currently 1:31 and I'm cunfused on how to feel one thing for sure I'm pretty much. I don't know honestly but this was a good read and the fact it was an open ending to was that Jesus? The fact it had holes in it's hands maybe not I'm not so sure myself there's so much more possibilities on what that ending could mean many more the ending suited the story but I'm really curious whos hand that was what he saw who he saw and what happened I hope you all have a great night afternoon or day, but may we all be at peace goodbye! Reading this was a whole roller coaster but it was a fun ride goodbye!