The details I'm gonna give are probably going to be somewhat vague because I legit don't remember at all. I first came across the video about it like 2-3 years ago, where it still didn't have an English translation. And then found it again the same year or probably a year after with a promo or it only having 1-2 chapters which was awfully translated. I'm not sure if the FL was transmigrated, reincarnated, or even regressed. I think she had blonde hair? Not sure. All I remember she had a hood and was like running away or something from a mansion or castle. She comes across like the entrance of a forest or something and there was a girl on a horse. She had black hair, maybe, and was a witch (if I remember correctly). I'm unsure if it's yuri (hoping it is, though). If anyone miraculously knows what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate a comment