I just cant enjoy this. I think when i was younger I might have thought this was cute, but it's just creepy for me. I'm not as old as Hara and the thought of going after or developing feelings for a 15 year old is so wrong. I think this is the type of story I would go for when i was younger so im assuming thats the target demographic. As an adult age gap is cute but not when someone is a minor.
So I want to try my hand at translating some Japanese bl. I do not want to join a translation team as I have a full time job and I'm also not that confident in my abilities. I have a few years of Japanese language learning experience so Im mostly interested in doing this for practice. I will post anything I translate here. So I am looking for dropped or never picked up bl manga where the raws are easy to find. Im not looking to do a whole lot of cleaning so no big ugly watermarks. Please recommend me some titles and hopefully I can translate it for you guys!
Absolutely no shota please!
I've been waiting for these for years now. I don't know what easy-to-find raws means or watermarks, so sorry ╥﹏╥
I'd die of happiness if this got updated
And watermarks are like an identifying image or pattern in paper so then other people dont steal it. For example: http://iweb6.mangapicgallery.com/r/newpiclink/tsume_to_toge/4/4e68a7196973d0330e6d35f3627ab1e3.jpeg
the bunny in the conner is a watermark.
So I want to try my hand at translating some Japanese bl. I do not want to join a translation team as I have a full time job and I'm also not that confident in my abilities. I have a few years of Japanese language learning experience so Im mostly interested in doing this for practice. I will post anything I translate here. So I am looking for dropped or never picked up bl manga where the raws are easy to find. Im not looking to do a whole lot of cleaning so no big ugly watermarks. Please recommend me some titles and hopefully I can translate it for you guys!
Absolutely no shota please!
It’s not really a bl since the guy changes into a girl but I’ve been waiting for this one for a year
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/checkmate_1/ idk lots of people complain about this bc lezhin censored all the yaoi parts and made it looked rushed
https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/6391953?toon=BL%2FGL - raws
There’s Spanish raws to this, this a gem but it seems it’s been dropped
Here it is, if you need it
I think a lot of you who arent bothered by this are probably younger in your late teens or early twenties. When you get older, your perspective really changes. Im sure this story is catered to a younger audience so I get why people like it. I know when I was younger I read this type of thing and enjoyed it. But now for me its a bit yuck. There certainly isnt a problem with an age gap but there are some really big changes that happen between like 16 and 21. Even though its perfectly legal Id find it pretty gross at my age to date someone who was 18.
So yeah, i did not like this story. Id be interested to see how many people over the age of 25 were cool with it
I am quite cool with it I mean i don't think too much about the story. And I am 24 turning 25
I’m 25 and I’m cool with it. It’s not the age. I was raised that age gaps are okay as long as ur are an legal age u can date who ever you want. I have so many aunts and uncles that have husbands or wifes with age gap of 10 years or 12 years. That’s why my views is so different form other views. I like this Managa because There was consent. The adult waited until the kid graduated too. And the the kid is 18-20 (20 because I’m confuse on their actual age cuz he said he is 32 and the age gap is 12 years gap, if my math is correct the kid is 20 years old) but yeah we both just have different perspectives. I don’t judge couple irl that have a huge age gaps I have friends that their parents have an age gap. (10 years age gap mostly). So I get it why ppl don’t like this but no it’s not the age thing I think it depends on the culture or society you live in
I’m in my mid-30s, and I was perfectly fine with this story. In an earlier chapter, it says that he was 32, which makes him 12 years older, so base on the calculation, he’s 20.
Dating someone younger or older all depends on the maturity level of that person. Who am I to force what I believe on someone else? As you said, as long as they are not underage and, for me, not forced to do something against their will, then who they choose to date or love has nothing to do with me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I don't think it's age relevant, more so cultural. My dad dated my mom when he was 26 and my mom was 18. Married 3 years later, and still together 40 years later. My example is not uncommon in Asia. Personally, I'm not into big age gap, but I also don't find it as wrong as many westerner made it out to be. People matured at different speed. Some of my friends expressed that men at their age group felt childish, so they yearned for someone way older than them.
For your reference, I'm 37.
I'm approaching 25 so maybe I'm still not experiencing that something yet to shift my perspective, but I'm not seeing how it's bad. Seijirou is 32 years old and Ryou is 20 in the beginning. Chapter 1 Page 29 shows Seijirou's age and he stated that Ryou is almost 12 years younger (Chapter 1 Page 26) which makes Ryou roughly 20 years old.
32 with 20 is actually not that bad. If Ryou was any younger than 20, that's when it gets iffy, but Ryou's at least 20 approaching 21. This age gap is 12 years which is a little wider than average since more people tend to stick to an age gap in the single digits, but 12 isn't that wide either.
I'm 26 and I'm perfectly fine with it. At first I was quite concern, but the uke have an adult mentality, he's quite mature, and he did not looks like a child. The uke knows what he wanted and he's mature enough to make those decision to date the seme. The seme, I was also concern by the fact that he knew the uke was underage. However, when they dated, the seme actually waited for the uke to be a legal adult. He's not a pedo cuz 16-18 years old does not look like a child anymore. Unless if he dated a freaking 11-12 years old, that would be a total pedophilia. And there's no grooming going on so I'm fine with this manga.
Also, when I was 19, I dated someone who was 18 years older than myself. I was treated with the utmost care, and he respected all my limits. It truly depends on the person and the maturity level of both parties.
Btw, the uke is 20. So get over it. He's an adult.
Actually, the matter about the age gap is personal preference. There are cultures that doesn't really look much into the age gap thing. In Asia, I think it's not much of an issue. I personally grew up in a place where it is normal in some way. And the issue would not be the age gap but the reason why the much younger individual went into a relationship with the older one. If the older one is rich, they'd say the younger is a gold digger. If the older is not rich, they'd say the younger has mommy/daddy issues. Lol. Also, just to be clear, we don't tolerate pedos.
Age gap is not an issue when both are consenting adults.
No he’s not? he’s probably barley 18
I’m a bit confused too with everyone debating this but the translator restated that he’s 32 and that there’s a 12 year age gap (forgot chapter) making the younger one 20. People keep saying he’s 16/17/18 and I’m not sure where they are getting that from. ^^
Probably because in the second to last chapter it says that hes in high school and underage
Unfortunately, this part was a bit confusing because it's not consistent with the facts. The only way it works is if Ryou was 19 approaching 20 because the legal age for adulthood is 20. 19 is the closest age to match their 12 year age gap if Ryou isn't already 20. So at the end, Ryou's 20+.
26 here, slightly uncomfy with the age gap and situation but it is tolerable. I have no qualms abt stuff like this as long as there is respect and without any form of abuse.
If you forget that detail, this work is cute and wholesome. Both characters fit each other well.
thank you!! I completely agree, when I was younger I probably wouldn't have thought anything of it, but now that I'm older my perspective is completely different.