Let’s talk the elephant in the room which is the age of Maythan. He did have his 17th birthday, but I don’t really know if he had his 18th birthday; in other words I’m confused. My other issue is that men over his age kept flirting with him when he was ONLY 17; fucking creepy behavior. Also, I fucking hate Kael, but I much fucking hate to death Lowe because he’s an asshole and a dickwad. He fucking raped Maythan when he was drunk and he kept reffering to him as his property. Why did they even go in this direction of the story? Just one story without SA please.
Hottest Red Flag ML. They are mad fine but their personality makes them ugly af. What's yours?
I mean Jimmy’s an adult but I dislike the idea age gaps. I mean I could still read it if their age gap was 5-8 years. But 9+ is an uncomfortable range for me
Is there any mangas or manhwas about old men (above 50+) falling in love? Shounen Ai or Yaoi are preferable.