Every villian he encounters, he ends up having sex with it. Like I love the art, but the story is kinda confusing

ima just mark my reply as a spoiler as well just in case
to be fair the pink heart blob did say they would try to have sex with him in the end of chapter two. Also yeah i totally agree, the story is super wtf confusing lol. like the part that confused me the most was the dog that turned into a human. like wat?????? they just glossed over that. if anyone has answers hit me up fam ( ̄∇ ̄")

Thank you soo much for uploading the chapters, your time and effort is not wasted because we fully enjoyed it and also the memes are hilarious.
I heard you watch Fairytail, please continue watching that till the end because that anime is great. One of the best anime I've watched since I was 12.
Keep.up the good work.

Thank you soo much for uploading the chapters, your time and effort is not wasted because we fully enjoyed it and also the memes are hilarious.
I heard you watch Fairytail, please continue watching that till the end because that anime is great. One of the best anime I've watched since I was 12.
Keep.up the good work.

This is kinda spoiler, I saw on FB
The shadow of the dick drag me here
Fucking same hahaha