Alright so here is the dilemma with this story: I am on chapter 38 right now, so like i would guess a chapter or so away from the main turning point of the story in which she drunkingly confesses to the wrong guy.
So far, in my opinion, there is NO reason that this story needs two male leads at all. We all know she will end up with the gloomy future duke (and I have no problem with that I love that type of character), but so far the real romance has been with the prince. It seems, from this point (remember I am not to the true climax of the plot yet) that the author just stuck both opposing male leads in just for cliche sake. It is rather annoying because I root for both of them, and not in like "the second male lead deserves better" type of way, but like (so far) they both seem like they are good first male leads. idk that part seems kinda dumb. Other than that I like the story!
You named the villain in your story after your bff, like girl… bffr. I just hope they become besties again. I hate when they make women beef for no reason in stories