I don't think so, Sean is the MC, Eugene is the kid who was on the road The child who was on the road had golden eyes, while Hyun has blue eyes And Eugene also has golden eyes
I don't think so, Sean is the MC, Eugene is the kid who was on the road The child who was on the road had golden eyes, while Hyun has blue eyesAnd Eugene also has golden eyes Nouaaahhh
If Sean was the main he’d be at the center or at the very least behind hyun instead of the director and the nun and the nun and director would be on the Side. Placement is very important Sean is on the cover which means he’s a main character but he’s on the side, meaning he’s ONE OF the protagonists, not the protagonist.
If Sean was the main he’d be at the center or at the very least behind hyun instead of the director and the nun and the nun and director would be on the Side. Placement is very important Sean is on the cover ... DEKUDEKU
I researched a little more about the manhwa and found an image where Sean was alone in the center, I don't know if it's the cover, but the image exists I also saw some posts on reddit talking about the manhwa and some people say that for now Hyun is irrelevant to the story
"His introduction is really misleading and confusing and + hes on the poster so as now hes kind of irrelevant as of chapter 6 but ik ptj is cooking smt that will connect everything together and huynho will become relevant"
Badoma is right, that's so mean. I know he was raised like that, but to say that in the face without emotion is painful. I hope slen found someone who cherished him dearly.
The way the author draw the body is so fake . I meant the boobs. With that soooo much thin that the hip bone showing already, it's impossible to have that boobie even if it's in the genes. It bothers me as hell.
I'm not bothered about the cheating, most of the smut are all affair.
I think what it is, Clodan gives her that little bottle to drink everyday so she can't get pregnant?? Because in the the chapter he says he doesn't want her to love anyone else but him and him alone.
I think what it is, Clodan gives her that little bottle to drink everyday so she can't get pregnant?? Because in the the chapter he says he doesn't want her to love anyone else but him and him alone. Kaiiii
i think the bottle is his blood he’s making her drink it so she’ll be like him
Hyun was the kid in the road. I guess, and Sean is the #2 something. Old woman is not simple. Hyun is definitely a main.
I don't think so, Sean is the MC, Eugene is the kid who was on the road
The child who was on the road had golden eyes, while Hyun has blue eyes
And Eugene also has golden eyes
If Sean was the main he’d be at the center or at the very least behind hyun instead of the director and the nun and the nun and director would be on the Side. Placement is very important Sean is on the cover which means he’s a main character but he’s on the side, meaning he’s ONE OF the protagonists, not the protagonist.
I researched a little more about the manhwa and found an image where Sean was alone in the center, I don't know if it's the cover, but the image exists
I also saw some posts on reddit talking about the manhwa and some people say that for now Hyun is irrelevant to the story
"His introduction is really misleading and confusing and + hes on the poster so as now hes kind of irrelevant as of chapter 6 but ik ptj is cooking smt that will connect everything together and huynho will become relevant"
A comment I saw on reddit