istg yall have been reading other manhwas and somehow deluding yourselves into believing the FL is stupid. she's incredibly smart, she just happens not to be positive and ditzy and not willing to submit herself to the power of the men in her life. she actually knows how to use her power, the power of her husband, and she has incredible political and business sense.
yes she doesn't communicate with the ml, but the question is why should she? "OH HUSBAND IN MY PREVIOUS LIFE YOU BETRAYED ME AND TOLD ME YOU WANTED ME DEAD AND WISHED YOU COULD'VE HURT ME VARIOUS TIMES" like do you not see how crazy that sounds? like sorry she isn't one-dimensional and she's actually a decent reflection of a woman who has to survive in a patriarchal aristocratic society.
if you don't like relationships that are toxic and have complexity to them that's fine. but this is literally a story about healing from abuse and misunderstanding. if you cannot handle that, then go read fluff, that's perfectly valid. what's ridiculous is picking up a book that's deliberately dealing with the complex relationship between someone who is hurting and the person who she believes to be her abuser.
like i swear some of yall come here and act all high and mighty going "oh another dumb fl who can't communicate." it just seems impossible for so many people to make the connection that sometimes just communicating with someone who hurt you is difficult and real. and what was she supposed to ask the husband in the current timeline to justify his actions is a previous ALTERNATE timeline? like this isn't an isekai, its a revival story, she has no omniscient context, she only has her own.
"simple misunderstanding can be fixed with communication" he told her, he wished he couldve hurt her and that she died. he imprisoned her. if you as a real person can experience all of that and still believe that its a simple misunderstanding than you must be a doormat.
there is just no sense of empathy from some of yall readers and it baffles me. if you just want an easy pick up and put down, go read fluff again that's valid, but its stupid to me to pick up something that details complex relationships, abuse, and misunderstandings and say "oh the woman is being stupid" despite the fact she experienced real trauma and abuse that stays with her.
probably read too much flawed stories that it dulled their way of thinking or maybe these bashers are just bunch of kids so I could also understand if that's the case cause people with lack of maturity may find characters like FL to be unsavory as the mc. I used to be like that then ig lyf fk me up fr so I started to accept and somehow understand complex situations of other people whether irl or in fictional stories
She could do what needs to be done. She has the drive, she could do it, and all of our problems would cease to exist. Just take it, and wack at the base of his neck. Go for the brain stem, the brain stem. Sylvia is the Empress we need and deserve, so do it queen, TAKE HIM OUT.
Listen, I like heart ache inducing MLs and regret more than anyone here, but bro is a homewrecker, a r4p!st, and literally ordered the execution of the girl's aunt. He needs to go, and Sylvia needs to ascend the throne.