PinkBloom July 24, 2024 8:36 am

This still happens in the US. But most don't end so well.

    Chunta July 31, 2024 5:39 am

    Bro what?

    PinkBloom August 2, 2024 5:24 am
    Bro what? Chunta

    Yes. The farther you go southwest in the US, you will find multiple cases where both men and women are locked up against their will. We have crime television station shows that give you an inside look into scenes. They may blur the faces of the victims sometimes, but their living conditions and treatments are horrific. Sometimes what you see on TV, in movies, and in game plots are from these real cases. Some are downplayed; others are not.

    From shipping containers to private properties, many missing people are subjected to false imprisonment and torture. Moreover, growing up watching these shows, you grow up numb but not stupid to these situations in the US. That's why every community has its own way of doing things, including the police in every state. Nothing is equivalent to personal slaves, human trafficking, and cold abductions. We have missing person reports, and "6,000 out of 600,000 people are unsolved cases every year."

    Now tell me how many people live in the US? And what about your home country or county? The more you know, the smarter you become.

    Chunta August 5, 2024 5:44 am
    Yes. The farther you go southwest in the US, you will find multiple cases where both men and women are locked up against their will. We have crime television station shows that give you an inside look into scen... PinkBloom

    Are you being fr I can’t tell

    Mjsuy October 25, 2024 3:01 pm
    Are you being fr I can’t tell Chunta

    I really think they are fr...

    PinkBloom October 27, 2024 5:06 am

    Yes. This is why traveling to the US alone without knowing one of the many truths behind disappearances is what many hopeful people do not realize. Yes, it is fine to be optimistic when you travel but not to every area. I've traveled the US and can tell you that if someone is sizing you up or following you, they do not have your best interests at heart. And you are not imagining it.

    The infamous slogans, "The American Dream" or "Streets paved with gold" are still popular (thanks to old Hollywood) but if you come here without the ability to protect yourself when traveling away from or to your destinations well let us say, "You have been warned".

    Think about this what are international convictions and the laws that protect the American people from foreign crimes? On the surface it may look viable; however, capitalism rules strongly here. It's never been about the people, but about how the rich get richer and where their interests lie (sounds clique as h*ll, but true).

    Another factor is the big corporations (conglomerates) here pay millions to trillions to pursue their lifestyles. So, what does a life or many prove? Capital = Control; Control = Money; and Money = Expungement (ex: former president turned criminal, or famous tv star/producer turned rapist. The years and convictions do not add up).

    Another angle on how cash flows apply to how inflation and deflation are government-controlled through interest rates. With all the GDP here you would think that the country would pay back the debts owed to other countries. Especially when the country has once been debt-free before.

    There are no conspiracies just democracies borderlining socialism [aka democratic socialism]. If you wish to know more take a look at our legislative system and the laws that have been passed in the last 20 to 30 years (e.g. 2002-present day for shorter history). When you do, think about who will benefit from this or that (nothing complex).

    Not all laws align with every community/state goal(s). Each state has its own elections and government officials. It's honestly a big headache. If you choose the wrong politicians to rule the state you live

PinkBloom July 21, 2024 4:59 am

Now you going to start a war with two countries because you want to be Do** the Explorer by yourself. ( ̄∇ ̄")

PinkBloom July 12, 2024 6:37 am

I needed that laugh. I laughed so much that I cried .

PinkBloom January 4, 2021 3:26 pm

If he starts eating his's officially cannibalism with a dash of love and a helping amount of obsession. Something like, "If you die, I'll consume all of you with my love."

IDK how to deal with this; especially, at what's been read so far. #-.-)

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