sisiseerf March 1, 2025 11:43 am

FINALLY AFTER YEARS THE AUTHOR HAS OFFICIALLY MADE MEDAKA AND NIKAIDOU CANON !!! YAHOOOOOO !! anyways go on her twitter to see them making out but couldnt even tell what theyre saying so :,)

sisiseerf January 25, 2025 4:38 pm

i love the art and i love the main couple but i seriously cannot stand that doppleganf why why whyyyyy is the aurhot suddenly trying to redeem this piece of shit ?? she had a perfect set up to pair emo devil with ceo devil and suddenly we're getting a human almost killing a devil and "saving" the main couple??? like idk i can't this is so frustrating like stop trying to shove this piece of shit down my throat... emo devil literally sees him as a SON ,,, ahhh he's not even as good looking as the ceo devil, plz why is this happening

    Sobbingcyringspitting January 26, 2025 4:20 am

    Lmao i did NOT think that was happening. I dont think the author is trying to “redeem”. nothing can do a redemption for that piece of nuclear waste. Sometimes bad ppl can do good/helpful to others things and thats what i thought was happening. Doesnt make him any better in my eyes and shouldnt to anyone else.

sisiseerf November 23, 2024 3:47 pm

after this chapter, now im positive that jaekyung came from poverty himself and a drunk abusive parent or sumn

sisiseerf November 3, 2024 9:57 pm

i found the chinese raws of the next two chapters, i think this manga updates every two months or something so as of now there are a total of 3 chapters out. anyways i can write a quick overview about whats happening to satiate some curiosity since we dont when the translators will be releasing the chapters !

the next chapter is basically yuma and the ghosts clarifying whats going on, the ghosts confirm that theyll be using his body in order to exact their last wishes in order to pass on, the thing is the ghosts only have enough life force to take of yumas body once and once they do so theyre basically forced to pass on. they dont rlly give yuma much of a choice on this matter either... (so the ghosts who controlled yuma's body in the first chapter and confessed to kaito has passed over and is gone!)

yuma is also a bit flustered over the fact that he's techinically dating kaito but at first he convinces himself that kaito only agrees to date him so that yuma wouldn't be embarrased by confessing to him in fromt of everyone amd then getting rejected! overall he thinks kaito is good guy afterall...

thats quickly proven NOT to be the case when kaito comes over the next morning to pick up yuma to walk to school together (and yuma notes how little personal space kaito gives him,,, even more so worrying he notes how he doesn't mind this fact at all) while walking to school together kaito holds yuma's hands and yuma finally can't take it anymore, he's about to ask kaito to forget about the whole confession but then they come across a friendly neighborhood cat. the cat seems to be friendly with kaito and yuma is enamored as he is a huge cat person. kaito brings up how this is the cat theh used to play with as children and that even though yuma is allergic to cats, he never let that stop him from playing with them. kaito gets a soft look on his face and expresses that yuma is a bit of a dummy, because even though being around the cat was technically hurting him, he didn't let that stop him from loving them! kaito says this is one aspect of yuma's that he loves. (basically a confirmation that he is taking this dating thing seriously...) yuma immediately feels bad and drops the idea of telling kaito that he he actually doesn't have any feelings for him.

the next scene show him talking to lolipop girl who expresses her full support on kaito and yuma's relationship! but yuma asks her what she would think about someone going out with a person even though only one party is in love. the girl expresses that love is complicated and that she can't entirely answer that question! (yuma assures her that he isn't talking abt his relationship with kaito LMAO he was just ralking abt a tv show he watched the other day...)

after school yuma wait for kaito so they can walk home together, kaito is a bit late but when he finally areives there's a girl with him. kaito apologizes to yuma and yuma tells him its fine and asks who his friend is. immediately and without any words kaito pulls yuma close to him and hides behind the classroom curtains much to yuma's surprise. kaito says that he didn't bring along any friend and that what yuma saw was probably a spirit and how yuma should avoid look at her. kaito tells yuma to tell him when the spirit is gone.

yuma is of course shocked, he didn't know that kaito was aware that he was able to see ghosts. (throughout the chapter yumma expresses guilt for what he feels that is stringing kaito along, he also expresses the guilt on not remembering anything about kaito even though kaito seems to know everything about him.)

so finally reaching the tip over of his guilt and after the spirit leaves the classroom, yuma tells kaito the truth about the confession. he tells him that he wasn't the one to confess and that actually a couple of ghosts who are in love with kaito are threatening him to fulfill there last wishes. he apologizes to kaito and asks him to disregard the confession.

except kaito refuses, he tells yuma that its ok if his feelings aren't reciprocated and that he's prepared to get yuma to fall in love with, so if they can, kaito would like to continue their relationship. he brings yuma close into a hug right when one of the eyeball ghosts possesses yuma!

    sisiseerf November 4, 2024 7:39 am


    ok! so chapter 3 starts off with yuuma dazedly sitting at his home when his mother walks in and call for him, yuuma has an embarrassed look on his face.

    the scene then switches to kaito whose laying on his bed when he touches his lips. he thinks back to whwn he and yuuma were in the classroom. after kaito had pulled yuuma into a hug one of the eye demons possesses yuuma and this time kaito notices almost immediately, he confront the ghost as well to which the possessed yuuma laughs and confirms that he indeed is not rlly "yuuma"

    he then pulls kaito into a kiss which kaito allows (he's thinking of when yuuma explains to him how the ghosts need to complete their desires so that they can pass on or else they'll continue haunting him) so while kaito does allow the kiss he's very passive about it, almost like he's disassociating from it. however this does nothing and the even the ghost is unsure before happily coming up with the idea that perhaps kissing kaito wasn't enough, maybe kaito has to kiss HIM.

    kaito doesn't waste anytime before pulling the ghost into a kiss, of course he's all very distant from this and doesn't have any sort of reaction to kissing a possessed yuuma. and he even thinks to himself that if it isn't yuuma he isn't rlly into it (basically)

    yuuma whimpers and calls out kaito's name before pushing away from him, to which kaito asks what he needs to do next except when he sees yuuma bashful expression his brain short circuits cause its his yuuma whose blushing and explaining that the ghost is gone.

    upon seeing his yuuma kaito gets all sparkly eyed and blushy and remembers their furst kiss as children where yuuma had the same flustered expression. in his memories however baby yuuma smiles after the kiss and traces kaito's lips as if to confirm their kiss.

    back to the present kaito is laying in bed traving his lips the same way yuuma had done when they were children. he turn in his bed and thinks about how he wants to kiss yuuma

    so back to yuuma, him and his mom are havi g dinner when he asks about kaito and his mom confirms that she remembers him and how he used to always come over to play with yuuma. yuuma sullenly admits that he doesn't remember a thing to which his mom admits that she would rather he not remember anyways.

    this is surprising to yuuma who asks her why? she says that sonce he's old enough its probably fine telling him now but when was younger he'd gotten in accident that would end up with that scar over his eye. it was this accident that also caused his memory loss.

    she remembers that the doctor had explained to her that due to the trauma yuuma would probably forget everything having to do with the memory of the accident. as his morher leaves the doctors office baby kaito runs to her and asks when he'd be able to see yuuma. his mother tells kaito that yuuma still needs some rest so he can't take any visitors just yet, though she thinks to herself that kaito is very pitiful because what he doesn't know is that yuuma's forgot all his memories about the boy.

    its soon after that yuuma's grandmother dies so by rhe time yuuma is discharged from the hospital him and his mom move away, and yuuma never meets kaito after that.

    its the next day at school again where kaito amd yuuma are hanging out on the rooftop with lolipop girl. lolipop girl is asking yuuma for help with schoolwork to which yuuma is explaining diligently. meanwhile kaito his basically breathing down his neck with how close he is to yuuma and this makes yuuma nervous through the entire time.

    lolipop girl praises yuuma for being so smart and suggests they start a study group to which he agrees, she winks at kaito suggesting that he ise this as an opportunity to get even closer to yuuma, but kaito doesn't rlly get it.

    lolipop girl then leaves the two when kaito asks yuuma if he's rlly close with her. yuuma tells kaito that she was the first to speak with him and since then has continued to talk and befriend yuuma which makes him like her.

    kaito very sullenly says that he wishes he and yuuma were in the same class together too. yuuma isn't entirely sure whether kaito is jealous over lollipop girl but either way he feels the need to reassure the other boy, so he tells kaito that he's atleast happy that they get to walk to school together and go hime together, and that being with kaito in those times makes him happy.

    this small confession make kaito so happy that he has to turn away as he blushes and smiles all pleasingly. yuuma laughs to himself that kaito is easy to read, then catches himself laughing giddily and wonders why he feels so happy with making kaito so happy.

    they talk some more and kaito expresses that he knows everything there is to know about yuuma even marks on his body that yuuma himself doesn't know about, as he says this he teasingly sinks his face into yuuma neck which makes the other boy blush

    yuuma pulls away and kaito has a satified smile on his face when he tells yuuma that if theres anything he'd like to know kaoto will tell him.

    yuuma asks and kaito begins to tell him how there was a time when yuuma was drowning amd kaito was powerless to do anything and how that had haunted him and how since then he vowed to protect yuuma.

    he explains that as a child badluck would fall upon anyone who had gotten close to him, and it was so bad that even all the parents in their town would make sure their children didnt play with kaito so for a long time kaito was a lonely child. it wasn't until he met yuuma that hemd gotten along with someone. yuuma was his first friend and yea yuuma seemed to get hurt constantly whwn he was around kaito but that didn't deter him from seeking the other boy put constantly. kaito can name numerous times that yuuma has gotten hurt and states that now he won't let such things happen and that he'll protect yuuma. they lean in to eachother about to kiss when the school intercom asks for kaito to attend club. its extremely loud as the coach is yelling into the speaker and kaito cover yuuma's ears (cute...)

    kaito sighs and tells yuuma that he should go home first as kaito will probably stay after school late due to his club. yuuma agrees and kaito begins to leave. but it doesn't tale long for yuuma to chase after kaito and tell him that actually, ge'd like to stay, and thet he'll wait for kaito. kaito is surprised but doesn't tell yuuma no. yuuma then asks which club kaito is in so that he can see him. kaito then gets a bit bashful looking away and blushing when he looks back to yuuma with a smile before revealing that he is now in the swimming club.

    yuuma blushes as he recalls back to when kaito told him about the time yuuma had drawned and how kaito felt horrible that he couldn't help. yuuma tells kaito that he'll be there

    after classes end yuuma goes to look for the swim club when he hears two girls talking about kaito showing up to club, theyre both praising him and blushing. yuuma walks into the pool area just in time to see kaito winning the practice matches. once kaito catches a glimpse of yuuma and gives him shy blushing smile!

    CathyBLover December 2, 2024 2:07 am

    You're the beeeeeeeessstt!!! Can't wait to read it myself!!

    nanassi December 2, 2024 4:17 am
    SPOILERSSSSSSSok! so chapter 3 starts off with yuuma dazedly sitting at his home when his mother walks in and call for him, yuuma has an embarrassed look on his face. the scene then switches to kaito whose layi... sisiseerf

    omg thank you so much.... these little cutiessss!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ can't wait to see kaito blushing and smiling <3

    JALLY December 2, 2024 12:22 pm

    Thanks for the third chap spoilers. I already read the second chapter and damn you are so good at detailing the raws like it went exactly how you said it, all of it. That’s a talent.

    nanassi December 2, 2024 1:55 pm
    Thanks for the third chap spoilers. I already read the second chapter and damn you are so good at detailing the raws like it went exactly how you said it, all of it. That’s a talent. JALLY

    lmao right! i was gonna say that too. was even considering asking them if they are a writer lol

sisiseerf September 7, 2024 12:02 am

ok before i start lemme preface this by saying yea skylar has reason to be mad, and yea skylar is traumatized himself... I KNOW

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 12:14 am

    I don’t think it’s too much about Sky’s trauma right now, but more about him being manipulated and schemed by Cirrus at the time during Ferris wheel stuff/ amusement park.

    Cirrus made him watch Chan and Ri-in together on purpose, to hurt Sky and get him to move on I believe. At the time, Sky didn’t know. Until now.

    That’s why he confronted Cirrus (I believe), and got more mad when Cirrus continued to lie instead of just coming clean. He felt betrayed.

    Cirrus’s consequences finally caught up to him. Unfortunately wrong timing, really. I feel bad for both. I do think Sky was too harsh with his words, he should not have brought in Cirrus’s trauma, insensitive.

    But I can also see Sky is very hurt that his own boyfriend continues to lie to him.

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 12:15 am

    2) Forgot to mention. They were also not on good terms back then, so I feel like the cirrus that has developed right now doesn’t deserve all this pain. But his consequences came.

    When I say wrong timing, Cirrus just didn’t come clean on time before moving further into a relationship. And the consequences caught up at the wrong time.

    sisiseerf September 7, 2024 12:43 am
    2) Forgot to mention. They were also not on good terms back then, so I feel like the cirrus that has developed right now doesn’t deserve all this pain. But his consequences came.When I say wrong timing, Cirru... ChickenButt

    yea i get that like i truly do! and i knew this was gonna come back at cirrus but the way skylar threw all that at his face??? and this isn't just oh i saw my parents arguing while growing up kinda trauma- cirrus has been dragged through SHIT since he was a CHILD.

    and yet skylar thinks he has the right to open into that trauma? saying he doesn't know what love is because he's never been loved? not only does that dig up cirrus childhood, from the neglect of his parents to the false hope of love that he thought he'd gained from another adult in his life- only to be exposed to perversion and exploitation- but he also belittles cirrus' emotions and feelings... as if cirrus has no right to love because he himself never recieved it-- and if thats not what skylar was implying then WHY BLAME CIRRUS ON NEVER BEING LOVED, AS IF A CHILD HAS CONTROL OVER THAT?!

    . cause at the end of the day cirrus has been putting in all the work in their relationship because of how much skylar distances himself. hell, i don't even think CIRRUS knows that slylar (might????) have feeling for him. because he pushes cirrus away at every chance, he chooses chan-il at every chance, he takes every chance he gets to shit on cirrus or choose when actions and words are ok or not... and yea again i get it skylar has trauma but if cirrus was ok with being beat up, told in his face that he was a second choice by yet ANOTHER person whom he loves, bared all his seceets and feelings towards slylar then shouldn't he be allowed SOME grace??

    and that's not at all saying that skylar shouldn't break up with him! like ok you wanna break up? cool!! pop off queen! but how about we NOT speak on matters that skylar will NEVER have any idea on how it feels.

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 12:58 am
    yea i get that like i truly do! and i knew this was gonna come back at cirrus but the way skylar threw all that at his face??? and this isn't just oh i saw my parents arguing while growing up kinda trauma- cirr... sisiseerf


    And I think that’s why I don’t think Skylar meant what he said. He has bad anger issues, tired of being hurt, so he hurts another. This is a cycle clearly.

    What you said makes sense and valid, it’s alright to be angry. I also talked about the part where Cirrus felt like a second choice or was told that.

    Unfortunately there’s two sides to fandoms, babying the characters a lot, then arguing with each other about who keeps babying the characters.

    Like it’s okay to baby, it’s not okay to justify or undermine what Sky said.

    sisiseerf September 7, 2024 1:06 am

    yea i agree with that, i dont intend to baby cirrus and i genuinely do thin he deserves karma for his action towards his manipulations BUT i would and will never defend someone who throws another persons trauma as "pay back" especially a trauma so deep and scarring as cirrus'!!

    sorry you tortured yourself in reading my coke rant tho i just had to get that off my chest cause whew skylar has been on thin ice with me for awhile

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 1:36 am
    yea i agree with that, i dont intend to baby cirrus and i genuinely do thin he deserves karma for his action towards his manipulations BUT i would and will never defend someone who throws another persons trauma... sisiseerf

    Nah it’s fine. It feels nice to see someone else somewhat defending cirrus besides me lmao.

    Just ghost here September 7, 2024 4:18 am
    “WHY BLAME CIRRUS ON NEVER BEING LOVED, AS IF A CHILD HAS CONTROL OVER THAT?!“And I think that’s why I don’t think Skylar meant what he said. He has bad anger issues, tired of being hurt, so he hurts an... ChickenButt

    when i read u saying cycle, i think i can see an ending where, if this is gonna be a happy ending i think they need a break from each other cause u are right this is a cycle and an unhealthy one so i think theyre gonna separate and maybe meet a couple years later idk they both clearly have problems and theyre hurting each other, atp i would rather they separate and solve their own shit at their own space

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 4:34 am
    when i read u saying cycle, i think i can see an ending where, if this is gonna be a happy ending i think they need a break from each other cause u are right this is a cycle and an unhealthy one so i think they... Just ghost here

    I just hope it’s not like: young lovers to break up arc to meeting each other when older, but realize they both have other partners.

    Just ghost here September 7, 2024 2:47 pm
    I just hope it’s not like: young lovers to break up arc to meeting each other when older, but realize they both have other partners. ChickenButt

    yes i agree, hopefully they heal first or something and meet w their healthy version of themselves or we gonna go thru w this and get a lot of freakin angst

    ChickenButt September 7, 2024 3:21 pm
    yes i agree, hopefully they heal first or something and meet w their healthy version of themselves or we gonna go thru w this and get a lot of freakin angst Just ghost here

    We don’t deserve these pain.

sisiseerf September 4, 2024 6:42 pm

little lau promising to save little xin from being locked in a tower ... little xin being compared to a story book character that sacrificies themselves to save the one they love... this new chapter revealed alot and idk if this is gonna have a happy ending you guys....

    lebron's #1 pookie bear September 5, 2024 9:09 pm

    chat this better not be real

    sisiseerf September 6, 2024 12:09 am
    chat this better not be real lebron's #1 pookie bear

    yea... HUGE SPOILERS


    so basically in chapter 58 we see the huge fall out between xin and lau and why xin basically cut lau off for years... after around two chapters of that we dive into the past when the two first meet! very much cute but also very much plot heavy because so much is going on in the background and yet we only see the pov of lau and xin so we're left in the dark abt what the grown ups in their lives are doing. in their povs though we basically see how lonely they both are and while lau is loud and rowdy kid with an EXTREMELY soft heart xin is... creepy lmao. but cute! very very cute!

    in the most recent chapter lau insists that xin tell him one secret since lau bared his past to xin, so xin takes lau to a room where he pulls out a book and reads to lau. basically this book is about a prince or hero who rescues a girl who is trapped in a cell by this demon. the prince promises the girl to save and protect her and they promise to stay by eo sides. hwoever once the two are about to make it out, a fog surrounds them that makes the prince pass out. at the same time the girl turns into a black cloud that resembles the fog around them and makes it so that she is unable to escape with the prince. it is then revealed that she is actually the daughter of the demon who kept her imprisoned. so now, unable to leave with the prince she gently sends him away in a small raft while he is unconscious and watches the boat drift away.

    after finishing the story xin squirms and expresses how this story makes his heart race and gets him flustered (and thats his secret). but when he looks up lau and his soft baby heart is crying! some time later after some talking between the two lau makes a grand claim that xin is like the girl and that lau will be the one to protect and save him....

    so far their little story has followed xins book, although there are still alot of explanations that are needed like who exactly lau is... throughout the chapters the author definitely sprinkles hints that there is something that went down in lau's past and that maybe his lineage is alot more important than we think! we also dont know what exactly is going on with xin other than he seems to be aware of everything happening???

    i'll try to upload some sneak peeks on my profile but tbh i highly encourage you guys buy the chapters!!! only if you can !!! support the author !!!

    lebron's #1 pookie bear September 6, 2024 2:16 am
    yea... HUGE SPOILERS basically in chapter 58 we see the huge fall out between xin and lau and why xin basically cut lau off for years... after around two chapters of that we dive into the past when the... sisiseerf

    yeah i was considering getting a manta subscription just for this series lmao (but then they introduced the gems bs...). what other platforms is it available on if there are any? also what platform are the raws on? thank u xoxo

    sisiseerf September 6, 2024 3:15 am
    yeah i was considering getting a manta subscription just for this series lmao (but then they introduced the gems bs...). what other platforms is it available on if there are any? also what platform are the raws... lebron's #1 pookie bear

    yeaaa manta subscription is super wonky, i was trying to wait and let the chapters update further so that when i get a subscription i'd just be able to binge for the however long one payment lasts... for now though i buy the raws on RIDI !!! it took me awhile to navigate since everythings korean but with a lot of screenshots and google translate/papago its pretty easy

sisiseerf August 24, 2024 5:46 pm

ahhhh LEAVE LAU ALONEEEEE !!! my baby is traumatized and TIRED!! no srsly i don't get my people are so mad with Lau, like he's so validated with how he feels and it sucks that people hate on his character over that... also, people calling him dumb like yea he might not be the greatest detective but also he's been getting pulled left and right with who's done it. i also wanna emphasize how many times Lau had been compared to a wolf whose biggest characteristic is there loyalty, so when Lau trusts someone, he TRUSTS them....


I bought the raws so i'm caught up to the most updated chapter and I just wanna say to everyone complaining about how little we see xin/lau PLZZZ just enjoy the story cause we see so much of them in the future chapters and its gonna be so heartbreaking and than pure and innocent and then heartbreaking again. srsly they love eo so much that they don't know what to do with themselves and its so-

    OopsieDaisy August 25, 2024 5:03 am

    OMG you are a saviour we're getting tooooo much of side characters stories & honestly that's a bit frustrating.
    Glad to know there's light at the end of the tunnel ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
    Want to see Lau getting awkward with Xin and Xin being embarrassed but accomodating lol

    lebron's #1 pookie bear August 25, 2024 5:47 am

    ty glad to hear my pookies are back

    sisiseerf August 25, 2024 1:24 pm
    OMG you are a saviour we're getting tooooo much of side characters stories & honestly that's a bit frustrating. Glad to know there's light at the end of the tunnel ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧Want to see Lau ge... OopsieDaisy

    yesss if it's any consolation, SPOILERS:::

    from chapter 58 forward will be strictly ALL xin/lau... idk how happy we'll be for the first couple chapters cause it really is gut wrenching but then we get to see them when they first met and that's rlly been just the purest experience tbh. surprisingly, i'd say lau's upbringing is 10x more mysterious than xin... it definitely makes things interesting since we've always known xin was this super important heir and lau was seemingly just another guardian but it seems that's not entirely the case!! so i'm excited to see what the authors planning!!

    sisiseerf August 25, 2024 4:36 pm
    OMG you are a saviour we're getting tooooo much of side characters stories & honestly that's a bit frustrating. Glad to know there's light at the end of the tunnel ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧Want to see Lau ge... OopsieDaisy



    ok wait cause i read your comment again and i just wanna say you got lau's personality straight on the head LOL, he gets awkward and embarrased so easily its so cute!! (((sadly this is also his downfall as his emabrrasment leaks into his insecurity of not being good enough for xin while also struggling with the idea of being considered a "dog" with no say in his own actions... which btw this mindset gets explained later on!!! it hasn't been fully revealed yet but from the hints we've seen (chap. 16 & 23) it's strongly implied that xin stopped lau from doing SOMETHING, and this seemed to fracture their relationship since they were kids... though i can't figure out what... )))

    xin on the other!! he rarely gets embarrassed other than that extra at the end of chapter 17, in the new updates i only see baby xin get embarrassed once and since these are untranslated i dont rlly know why... but it looks like its due to his older brother?? on the other hand xin seems to have always been something of a flirt with lau LMAO he's always teasing him and has a very calm facade. i will admit though baby xin is CREEPY, like even baby lau gets creeped out a couple of times!! baby xin also seems alot more obssessive... with both his brother and now slowly lau.

    pen August 29, 2024 9:36 pm


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