It's for a project
Was the Berlin wall a political or social issue or both
That depends, the official stance from the government that funded it at the time was definitely political as they were trying to keep western fascists out of east Germany. This however, developed a major social barrier as well, rather than solely the initially anticipated political one. People were divided for nearly 30 yEARS! As I said, the face of the wall was political, however, it having been built overnight robbed many of their families, friends, and homes, being a social issue. However, once again being political, Germany resorted into turning into two seperate countries basically, The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), run by the Allies, and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), run by the Soviet Union. So, thus, it was both political and social. If you want more information I linked some useful articles below:
Hi! I'm looking for manga where the uke is beautiful. I kinda forgot the plot but not really. A man found a guy on thestreetnor something and the guy needed money so the semester suggested modeling like on a talk show or something where the pick the most handsome/beautiful man and the uke wins. That's like all I remember.
This is similar to boku girl. I just started reading and she just turned back to a girl. Does she change back? I like her better as girl. I dont know why
But tbh i really wanted a yaoi in noku girl