Starting to get bored but still pushing through cuz of the mini robot. Sir spinner for life

Sans created a topic of Regas

Why is the guy Abel blond in the cover and a twink?

Sans created a topic of Zombie X Slasher

I'm surprised they haven't cleared the world of the infected when these guy be mowing them down in waves lol

Sans created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

The new chapter is so silly and wholesome at the same time

Sans created a topic of Guiding Light

Not only is this scumbag an obsessive creep he's also a piece of shit. Stop talking as if you're making sense because i don't trust you one bit. No shit he's the only guide left because you instigated crap that caused all of them to be obliterated. Everything is your fault and you're acting like you'd help out of your own will. Fucking ass gets on my nerves I swear

Sans created a topic of Bittersweet Howling

Wow so he was the one who saved the MC back then.

Sans created a topic of Doctor’s Rebirth

Nice ... I've been putting this off because i was waiting until he does doctor stuff again and at last

Sans created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

WELP nothing we can do about it if they transition to slowburn romance not that i actually mind

Sans created a topic of MookHyang - Dark Lady Webtoon

I mean it's readable but the quality of the translation change too much like what the fuck is a dark one. If they are referring to dark why do they phrase it like that ..

Sans created a topic of Waterside Night

Are you fucking kidding me!? That asshole again!

Sans created a topic of Ice Lord

Cool murim guy isekaid in fantasy world. Just like mookhyang

Sans created a topic of Dear, 00

Oh my lord. A new work from BWT. No wonder the art seemed familiar

Sans created a topic of Demonic Evolution

Lol he had that one moment to shine amongst the rubble but because the plot didn't want to fit the stereotype they cockblocked his moment and ended up in the 10 percent range

No need to be a dick about it though. Did he have to yell like that to get what he wants. Dude's already scared out of his wits. This guy has no chill. Hope he gets a refreshing beating to cool him down. No class at all.

Sans created a topic of One-of-a-Kind Irregular

Meh.. virtual gaming plot ain't all that great.

Sans created a topic of The Melancholic Conman

That psycho.. I bet he just forged that invoice, receipt or whatever that is.

Sans created a topic of Surviving the Apocalypse

The art is similar to that Ylab work. I forgot that title but It was about Seoul sunk in a massive sinkhole.

Sans created a topic of Pick Me Up

Happy 100 chapters pick me up. It's so awesome other peak manwha I'm following sent their greetings too

Sans created a topic of Villain To Kill