Mar created a topic of For Your Love

Good story and all, it's finally over, but they always piss me the f off. The couple and Yohan's gay brother. Out of all three Yohan has the most sense about dealing with the world and not giving a fuck what others think, and yet he'll still blame himself to death over stupid things, and ofc the other two bury themsleves even more in misery at any given opportunity in a way that is just the most tiring like tf. From what the author said in the epilogue there will never be any character development beyond this and that's fucking shit. They shouldnt be together if they're never gonna own up and face the real issues. Fuck comforting each other after every argument and filling each other's hole they have in their damn hearts, they need to actually put effort in changing for the hole to get anywhere near filled, not just covered and glossed over with some dopamine, and then we can say they are good. Frickin Yohan settling for second-rate happiness with petty fighting that often, nah man I could never. It's a shame they aren't gonna try from what the author insinuated.

Mar created a topic of Ten Count

Every now and then these days I find myself with chapped hands from frequent washing and forgetting to put on lotion due to working in healthcare. It's an awful feeling so I honestly don't know how Shiratoni put up with it just to hate himself (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜. I mean did he never even try to carry fancy lotion to use after every wash??? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Mar created a topic of Anemone Theater

Hmm personally I liked the whole story more than what people had posted here. Tbf thanks to those posts I decided to straight up skip season 2. Worth it. If you simply read season 1 & 3 + side stories it's like theres not really plot holes imo, just a wtf happened between? Like wtf happened with the Joon situation between the retreat, the MC kinda crushing on him??? And then Joon also getting on the prof/dad's bad side???... but otherwise it was fine and then the 8 year gap and 'rushed ending' and the cut off at him talking back over the phone actually feels way more appropriate due to skipping season 2 imo. Honestly would be nice to have seen a bit further into the story like the dad finally backing off and getting to see some of their life in a much more stable stage where we see them hang out with friends or smthn. Heck let me see their wedding . But clearly this author prefers to put too much detail in shitty psychological points instead of showing the good stuff and actually addressing plotholes. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Mar created a topic of A well known love affair

I can't stop thinking that "he's really ugly" is pracrically followed by "but he's *MY* ugly"

Mar created a topic of Our Sunny Days

My birthday is November 10. Might as well name it after me

Mar answered question about live in omegaverse universe
I got Alpha . Tbf I could totally be that rare af actually decent alpha . Just glad not omega... if I had to be one of the two I just rather be the one able to protect smthn just by the look on my face... I do actually have a "no bullshit" face/personality

This some crazy ass plot... in all directions. Maniac's drram come true . It seems Eve has some good still in him so I really wonder if they'll get any actual character development by the end or if it'll just follow Gozu's dreams till the end.

Mar created a topic of Achilles and the Boy Next Door

God even after the latest chapter the only one doing any real reflecting is still Achilles. Oml. Harper get off your high horse and actually put yourself in someone else's shoes for once instead of just spiraling every waking moment you feel threatened and throwing around an argument that isn't even taking notice of some of the facts Achilles himself has been having to dish back in order to explain his own sincere and alloted frustration.

Mar created a topic of Experience forecast

Help I don't understand why this manga is so popular . Like it has good things in it yes but I tap out at the fucked up way the weatherman behaves. Miscommunication is one thing but he's a straight up psycho... Truly wonder if the live action is any better, because I was out as soon as he started acting like a fucking kidnapper - wtf -

Mar answered question about question
As someone who passed AP calc with a high B while never really looking back at my notes and having known people in the past who required the complete opposite to even pass, all I can say is find a dedicated friend who can keep you on track at that point. I did it for them and it failed first in elementary bc she literally would forget it the next d......
Mar answered question about read manga
I thought it was gonna be something that also involved blood/pain but it's just random cartoon cp. Not that the cartoon cp isn't bad since its also wtf bad, but its just not necessarily scarring material for me since I'm aware that it's someone's messed up fiction story xd. It'd be a different story if it was real cp . Anyway, I just skimmed theoug......
Mar answered question about comic recommendations
Girl you might as well go fetch him irl LOL. The specifics are as high as an opera singer on helium. Anyway, personally I love this manga to death and I think similar enough vibes to the above may roughly apply: Girl: Serious but in a bold/Not gonna settle for bullshit way, makes for a fun dynam......
Mar answered question about chat about anything
I don't have a favorite song but here are 2 extremes of things I listen to lmao- One Day Like This by Elbow [alternative/Indie], Death Rites by twentythree [Rap] ( < in case you dont use spotify. I'm super picky when it comes to rap. Majority of my stuff is rock-related to folky to some country toa bit of m......