Every now and then these days I find myself with chapped hands from frequent washing and forgetting to put on lotion due to working in healthcare. It's an awful feeling so I honestly don't know how Shiratoni put up with it just to hate himself (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜. I mean did he never even try to carry fancy lotion to use after every wash??? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Good story and all, it's finally over, but they always piss me the f off. The couple and Yohan's gay brother. Out of all three Yohan has the most sense about dealing with the world and not giving a fuck what others think, and yet he'll still blame himself to death over stupid things, and ofc the other two bury themsleves even more in misery at any given opportunity in a way that is just the most tiring like tf. From what the author said in the epilogue there will never be any character development beyond this and that's fucking shit. They shouldnt be together if they're never gonna own up and face the real issues. Fuck comforting each other after every argument and filling each other's hole they have in their damn hearts, they need to actually put effort in changing for the hole to get anywhere near filled, not just covered and glossed over with some dopamine, and then we can say they are good. Frickin Yohan settling for second-rate happiness with petty fighting that often, nah man I could never. It's a shame they aren't gonna try from what the author insinuated.
Truly a case where love = blind.