kinda want the golden retriever to get with juwon…….. idk i can see the chemistry , not that it would happen :(
i love taeyang he just seems so chill and laid back but also the type you’d have the most interesting and introspective convos with
the tone of all the manga in the entire series is just all over the place like sometimes the writing makes sense and it’s a cool fantasy romance vibe and then boom out of nowhere there’s normalising forgiving a rapist and normalising incest and normalising insane age gaps where one of the couple literally raised their love interest i feel deceived like this could’ve been so goood….
honest to god i hate hoyeon, he is SO entitled and for what??? like why tf can’t seungjun live with his crush just because hoyeon has a crush on him, that’s NONE of his business??? not everyone u like is gonna like u back, that’s just how the world works like get tf over it. also him taking advantage of jaehyun’s kind nature and wanting to sabotage their relationship - lame as fuckkkkkkk. god he’s so annoying i hate that people like him exist, he needs to learn to have some personal space and respect other peoples feelings . how hard is it to be NORMAL
seo taeha honestly feels like the sanest here - pls be endgame
he is so annoying oh my god how could u ever put up w trash like that tf
weird to think that cults actually work like this and systems like this actually exist even weirder to read about a cult in such an institutionalised setting tho. but at the same time, making a cult is definitely something rich people could get up to
also pisses me off how everyone hates mitsuru even though he did nothing but literally exist - like should he go alter his genetics?? tf he doesn’t even want all these guys to be attracted to him, and he also lost a dear friendship because of it. i would be horrified in his place
i’m most intrigued by masaomi tbh, he wasn’t prepared at all like akiomi was when he met his fated pair, he had no context and just a rush of overwhelming crushing feelings, he probably had no self awareness whatsoever and neither did mitsuru probably. masaomi was probably crushed with guilt and decided to let asahi go. it feels kinda unfair that akiomi was able to prepare his mind and heart for this situation and now his love is seen as stronger and more true. i think it’s so interesting that masaomi is still in love with asahi despite finding his fated pair, thats so heartbreaking i feel like masaomi and mitsuru probably dated because that was deemed the social norm and they didn’t want to disappoint nor abandon one another because they’re kind people, but in the end neither of them truly liked the other and hence they broke up. akiomi just feels too perfect honestly and was in a much better situation, he has that male lead plot armour just imagine being completely in love w ur boyfriend, breaking up with him because your instincts betrayed you for a mere moment even though your emotions are much more stronger and everlasting, and then seeing ur own brother date the love of your life and not being able to do anything about it because now you don’t have the right to, that’d fuck me up for life. i kinda hope that masa doesn’t date anyone now and lives a life for himself, not worrying abt fated pairs or romance or wtv
the way seong ah looks at him oh my goddddd he’s so down bad
the male lead is so ugly and an absolute twat too
the way this story reads like a movie is incredible omg like the fade outs and transitions, the different angles and focus on expressions and small movements, the atmospheric vibe, the way the dialogue is paired with the scenes feels like they’re actually speaking, the timing for each reaction and response just feels so natural and human - it feels like i’m watching a movie that’s been nominated for some prestigious film award
the vageuness is so fun when it’s a fictional story haha i’m getting butterflies
i don’t want anything to change rip if they change seong ah’s face he’ll just end up feeling like a whole new character nooooooo
this is so interesting to me bec you can tell the author isn’t sugar coating the love interest’s chilling/psychopathic nature, he clearly has empathy issues and struggles to feel/relate to others, his obsession with luce is also not romanticised which just makes it so much better when we see the male lead actually feel and act romantic around luce (like when he destroyed his hand and then tenderly moves his hair out of his eyes when he’s asleep, the contrast!!) , it’s so messed up !!! i think he genuinely is in love with luce but that love has long since turned into an obsession, with his detached and unfeeling personality, his lethal intelligence and lack of care for what luce himself is feeling as well as how financially and socially powerful he is, i think the male lead makes for a great villain and love interest at the same time! i can’t really see where the plot is going to go but hope to see more of the male lead be messed up and clever and also would be cool to see luce eventually outsmart him