I'm actually sad that Ye Li is a reincarnation ( I dk why mb cause Ye Li had emotions he just never admitted and he had different story than Li Zhu. I just hope he won't become original Li Zhi and stays more as Ye Li. Hope it makes sense

Yeah, but as I understand it, it's the same as changing as you age. The person you are at 15 is not the same as the one you are at 30. You have more memories, experience and your emotions shift as well to accommodate that. You are still in essence the same person but you are also vastly different in your behavior, the things that matter to you and the way you approach things. For me, it's the same in this case, I'm thinking Li Zhu is just the mature version of Ye Li, more understanding and flexible because he's had more experience with life and seen more of the world.

Well, I hope the author will soon tell us a story about yuki i mean full story so everyone will be able to move on. And after that i only want ue's story not even their with mafyu i just need my man to know what he's going through his thoughts, ideas about music cause he's so gorgeous kind and talented and no one even cares about him now I'm sobbing
And everyone saying it's yuki who pulled them all together but it's only mafyu and friends all other people are connected with ue so don't underestimate my boy

Yeah i liked how it started but now it's all about yuki i just want to know other characters and especially ue WHO GAVE MAFYU THIS CHANCE TO REALLY PLAY MUSIC not just "I'll write smth to you just wait alone there" but no everyone is silent about that(((( and the fact that ue now is bringing everyone together.... BUT UE WHO this fandom knows only yuki

When everyone will start to treasure Ue? When will we get real development of mafyu&ue relationship?
When the author will stop to idealize yuki and give us his real character not just other people memories?
Kinda losing hope here

That's what I'm saying the author should show us real Yuki to understand this story better and their relationship to move on. But now we just see him though other people memories and sorry that's not enough for me to understand &love character. That's why i feel like this story is stuck and i feel bad for ue who has to suffer though he did nothing wrong.

I mean I'm sure this going to be a long manga not one of those short story manga that have either 5 or 10 chapter. I think it's going to be nice and slow. There's still going to be more on Yuki I think. And like I said since it takes time to get over a dead lover I think the pacing of the manga is fine since it's one of those manga's that will have loads of chapters.

I still don't get it. If it takes that much amount of time, why confess in the first place? You gotta sort out your feelings first before you actually "get in" to a relationship. It just feels like, Mafuyu's half-assing their relationship. Concidering he's not even telling Ue all of his past, just him having an ex who died before.

I saw in one tiktok that mafyu and yuki would eventually grow apart cause yuki depended too much on mafyu and their relationship was pretty toxic and I think mb yuki felt that mafyu wanted to do things on his own without yuki's influence and that's why yuki reacted this badly to their childish fight and committed suicide?
I'm not sure but that explains his extreme reaction cause he wanted mafyu to always depend on him so he left this world with mafyu forced to remember him in such a painful way...
No hate towards yuki I'm just trying to understand this whole situation since the author gives us no explanation just "love yuki he was great" motto

tnk u, tbh i hate yuki despite i said it once in cmnts here n i got so much hate .. but i hate how traumatized mafuya n ruined his life n the band's life as well .. yet it was mafuya who was hated so bad like what ????
he said those words in anger .. we dont even know what happened exactly that pushed him to say such a thing .. oooof i just wanna get my explanation tbh ugh

I also think that their relationship was a little biased. More than just love, sometimes It looks like their bond was what kept them together.
But if it weren't for Yuki's suicide, I don't think they could break up, because Yuki would never let him go and Mafuyu would probably feel too guilty to do so. It's hard to say, since we don't know what the real Yuki was like.

Yeah it's really hard mb you're right with yuki never letting go of mafyu. I just hate that the author doesn't give us real yuki just other people memories about him. I hope the author will do smth more to us so we'll see their problems why their relationship weren't ideal at all and etc
Cause now I see all these tweets and video about mafyu and yuki how they were soulmates and I don't get people like if they were so good together why this childish fight caused such a terrible accident?

I just want ue and haruki to be happy. As for the others, they need to resolve their problems first and only then come near my boys

when it involves a past lover you havent gotten over and is constantly blabbering about then do yourself and everyone a favor and not jump into a relationship even tho you have minor feelings for another person since youre just gonna drag this person into your problems (which mafuyu has no surprise there) youre allowed to be inlove and love but it has to be 50/50 and reciprocated not a rebound relationship yikes

Fuck if I want a rebound relationship.... I’d find myself a fuck buddy.... not a boyfriend..... and Mafuyu is not dragging Uenoyama down.... Mafuyu actually lifted him up....... Uenoyama started enjoying playing guitar and music more since Mafuyu came to his life..... I guess you forgot about that because you’re so focused on Mafuyu’s past... maybe you’re the one stuck in the past...

ud find yourself a fuck buddy while mafuyu found himself a person completely resembling his dead lover hes dragging ueno down by further molding him into yuki with all this song bs and comparisons. uenos constantly being slapped by yuki this and yuki that from everyone around him which couldve been avoided had mafuyu explained that hes not fucking over yuki.
mafuyu didnt fall “inlove” with ueno as a person no he fell inlove with him bc hes literally the ideal clone for yuki thus the endless comparisons made by mafuyu himself b/w them. if mafuyu knew ueno well enough to fall inlove with him as a person (no yuki similarities) then hed know ueno wouldnt act the same as yuki but he sees ueno as yuki 2.0 and assume ueno would do what yuki would do (last scene)
hes literally the one thats been stuck in the past this whole time. this whole manga is about his past and moving on (side note: too much of the past to the point where ueno, the main character is less fleshed out as a mc than yuki is and they literally have no fucking chemistry as a couple at this point bc of it) but imo hes rushing too much into a relationship which isnt beneficial for him nor is it fair to ueno.

Are you serious? I'm so disgusted with the comment section. I couldn't even read the last 2 chapters. I just don't get why people like that asshole HE FUCKING RAPED CHIWOO how could anyone be interested in their side story. His past doesn't justify his actions at all so why are you pitying him??
I understand that yaoi is fucked up but there are great stories out there it's just readers that like fucked up things
Kind of sad that author was forced to do this only for fan service.
You can dislike my comment as much as you want i'm just glad I don't support the rapist
*btw English is not my first language

i aggree. i mean its whatever if people like the side story because the situation is completely different, but i just couldn’t get into it after seeing what jihyun did to chiwoo. honestly i was disappointed that the author did a parallel universe where jihyun gets a happy ending bc that is literally the last thing i wanted for him bc he’s a rapist but so long people aren’t defending/hyping up the real jihyun i wont judge them. its a shame that people only feel bad cus he’s hot, it def shows that they really dont care about what he did

Same. I don’t think they understand how terrifying Chiwoo had it for his rapist to come back and haunt him. He even sat next to Chiwoo in class and followed him to his house. Itd be quite horrifying if I were in Chiwoos situation and idk how people expected jihyun to be forgiven. Chiwoo is watching his rapist lead a successful life and people still root for Jihyun. If jihyun were ugly it’d be a different discussion.

Absolutely agree. As long as a character is handsome he's forgiven for everything he goes. And yeah you totally have a point he not only raped him he didn't even feel sorry until the very end and i'm not even sure if he really was sorry or he just realized that chiwoo is not going to put up with all his shit anymore.
And all this stalking is terrifying
I rarely leave comments but this manhua is so beautiful so I wanted to say thanks to all who worked on this! It's one of the best stories I've ever read