miwoo is def not a green flag, not unredeemable at all but would not work with his anxious attachment with mc. hope when the door really slams he can let go of the controlling side and be taken care of and not smoother/project. cause he has plot potential at the very least.
mc is a pretty shitty friend imo. not cause he doesn’t reciprocate romantically but his actions are sideways? i also get that he was in a tight spot for a lot of it but he’s got a funny way of showing his care for even a strictly friend friend. also i’m losing his plot so im probably being harsh on this one.
ml has the potential to grow on me in the future? i don’t know. the last two chapters some kind of character is appearing. but the baby trapping is yikes lol, love it for plot though. someone brain dance with me here cause im curious on others thoughts. his inability to comprehend no is very intense and the writing of it kinda icks me?(as someone who reads and enjoys mainly noncon and heavy content stories) maybe just the formatting or lack of.. *if anyone else reads a lot of dub/noncon and also just isn’t really feeling the vibe lmk why you aren’t cause im trying to wrap my head around it lol. like it’s not bad just feels forced narratively if that makes sense?* just outta place at this point/wrung out and tired maybe its to do with his lack of character/personality/story. at chapter 20 i struggled to not just scroll past the smut cause it was just repetitive felt like i read it already. its meh for me rn. i’m not entirely sure. but yeah mc is with child for sure.
i was ready for the side story with miwoo and ml friend since chapter 20 or so?. yes miwoo is the only name i am bothering to write out because he’s the only one who seems to have some plot to work with and outside of that friendship and with the chapters we’ve been given. like i can see him not taking care of someone for once and being taken care of in a healthy way, moving on, addressing his control stuff and having an interesting or angsty plot while the main ones predictions as of now are: ml realizes the ~depth~ of his feelings can’t vocalize it cause he doesn’t get it or sabotages cause he does and thinks it makes him soft or something. mc thinks ml hates him they both go quiet or ml starts to get clingy. mc goes back to miwoo for friendship miwoo is getting over things but ml thinks it means mc is over him and spirals lol. mc gets dragged to some like bar by blonde for a karaoke night after dude finds out his contact info mc thinks ml is coming to. blonde wants to share like they used to. ml doesn’t want to. insert dramatic plot point and then they make up and like get domestic soft with one another since he’s no longer player bad boy or some other overused trope. or he does share cause he wants to prove himself and shits in the kitchen sending mc back to miwoo which’ll last all but two days since mc would let ml human centipede him and still crawl back/let him back atp plus the baby is coming which will bring them back regardless lol. don’t get me wrong i know it’s his first and he’s navigating feelings around it and also being manipulated/fucked more than he can process, i love those tropes but somethings
is not itching the scratch BITCH IM HHUNGRY GIVE ME SOMETHING ANYTHING . i’m bored i think. didn’t mean to nag too much it’s 5am just binge read it but yeah not super invested
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