Korner Soul's experience ( All 0 )

Korner Soul's answer ( All 10 )

about question
omg same- it is also happening with me lately like when I am hungry, I eat (ofc) but I immediately feel like throwing up. And if I starve myself I feel weak (duh) wth is wrong with me   1 reply
04 11,2024
about cosplay
Do you all that remember that DJ of MHA with evil psycho Deku and Hero Bakugo, I think Deku captures him or smth??? Pls that shit was so traumatizing?? Iykyk   reply
02 07,2024
about question
Korner Soul
13 05,2024
When ever I hear the word 'Brain Rot' I instantly remember that cat meme shower with my boyfriend video I dunno but that traumatic video has a chokehold on me   reply
13 05,2024
about question
Korner Soul
13 05,2024
Someone is too high to function   reply
13 05,2024
about question
How are you so convinced that you are a genius?? When you are that fucking F and everyone will say 'oh there is always the next time' but yk who will the sore loser be- YOU. You will regret not picking up the damn book. If you wanna retake the class do it bitch but if you don't wanna then GET YOUR ASS UP AND STUDYYY!! Some people don't have the pri......   3 reply
07 04,2024

Korner Soul's question ( All 4 )

about question
Korner Soul
04 11,2024
Okay- for the context- I went to a bar with few friends and there was a group who was being super loud and I do not like loud people and also it was a bar for ffs!
Anyways- the group was of guys who seemed gay? and my friend said that she hates loud gays and I kind of understand the sentiment too cause I detest loud people in general but all my friends started attacking her and when I defended her called me and her homophobic.
Am I being homophobic..????
04 11,2024
Korner Soul
12 03,2024
who fucking wrote this?? Who in their right mind read this (yes, I did) and liked this (no, I did not)
ummmmmm why tho?? Like WHY???
I blame all my misery to that one insta post for making me read this! I curse you and I hope you always have a warm pillow no matter how many times you change the sides (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
12 03,2024
about question
Korner Soul
29 02,2024
my father just took out screws of my bedroom door! and took AWAY the door and screws. Honestly this is the second time and its not even funny anymore!
sorry needed to rant
29 02,2024
about question
Korner Soul
26 01,2024
@Arysa I love you <3
Come back to me!! Pls

notice me senpai
26 01,2024

People are doing

did school is stressful

Why all my teachers want me to suffer

11 minutes
did instagram group chat

and everyone else of you gotta look in the GC the gifts i made idk international friendship day soon

4 hours
did having friends

To dear @K bro WAKE UPP ur gift is ready

4 hours