Baizhu created a topic of Cry Me a River

but the tattoos thooo

Baizhu created a topic of Jinx


Baizhu created a topic of Toxin

shut yo bitch ass up

Baizhu created a topic of Salvation Spirit

I thought it was finally over

Baizhu created a topic of 19 Days
Baizhu created a topic of Can't Think Straight

How about no?

Baizhu created a topic of Black, Poison

must’ve hurt damn

Baizhu created a topic of Jinx

ain’t complaining tho love when bottoms give that attitude (better keep it for a very long time)

Baizhu created a topic of Ballboy Tactics
Baizhu created a topic of Driver's High

Man I hate when the s/o knows about the proposal

Baizhu created a topic of Yian's Binding

Why is he blushing and all why is he like that WHAT

Baizhu created a topic of 1 to 10


Baizhu created a topic of Salvation Spirit

« Once I let go of someone, that’s it for me. There’s no going back.«  shut yo bitch ass up didn’t even last a couple chapters

Baizhu created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

this was so rushed idek, it started good but then it went downhill what a waste of art

Baizhu created a topic of Forced Switch

Yep I still don’t like it

Baizhu created a topic of No Returns After Use

Ok I’m curious imma go read the raws and I’ll come back

Baizhu created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

It would be nice to finally see a mc not ending up with their fucking psycho kidnapper idk