so is the author trying to make the ml like somehow redeemable by making him nice ONLY WHEN HES DRUNK / NOT IN THE RIGHT STATE OF MIND, literally just the saddest excuse for them to end up together…

im not quite understanding what you're saying but anyway- you're excusing his behavior to "just his personality" and offering an imaginary situation that didnt happen. i dont know how that could change op's opinion, however, op is still free to criticize the work just like you're allowed to like it ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

No who said I'm excusing his behavior? They always say being drunk brings out the real you, and this new side of Jk has definitely impacted on how he truly feels. If this side of him was shown earlier, even before the abuse then op wouldn't say the author is looking for an excuse to make them end up together. And besides, stories are built based on excuses. A story can be like I didn't know she was drunk and we had sex, does that mean the author is making an excuse for them to just have sex?

sorry if i misunderstood u by thinking u were excusing his behavior, i think i had a hard time seeing from your point of view, and, alcohol doesnt make u "more of your true self", thats a misconception, it just (chemically speaking) reduces inhibitions and make you less aware- the result is that you may have ideas or do thing that you would never have sober.
well, of course it would've impacted opinions, heck even mine, after all jaekyung only showed abusive and narcissistic behaviors.. you cant blame some readers who, bc only the abuse was shown, think that giving him 5 minutes of grace when he is not in his right ming, just so dan can get more hooked and have hope feels like an excuse...
and, stories are not based on excuses, but excuses can be used to futher a story plus i dont really like your last sentence bc that "I didn't know she was drunk" situation bc it can be used to justify non-consensual or questionable behavior, which its problematic and punishable by law.. if, on the other hand, u mean the story uses could use drunkness and sex to explore the complexities of communication, misunderstandings, or personal growth within the characters, then yes, it could be a way to address the topic responsibly and give deepth to the story.
overall, the whole point was not about the act of sex as a whole, but what it implays for dan and the story that will follow, that's that.

Yesss you worded it perfectly. I often have a hard time expressing myself. About Jaekyung’s personality, I do know alcohol can make you engage in risky behaviors. And I just don't favor the statement of saying -the author is making an excuse to- It just sounds weird and untrue. I'm glad you didn't misunderstand my statement about the “I didn't know she wasn't drunk”.

ok idk if they cover this in the series later on but i just realized the poem seung won wrote rhymes with heesu in class 2 like
"blues and greens scattered before my eyes,
and in the crowd i saw you.
the air become filled with your laughter,
you rippled into my fluttering heart.
you in blue,
heesu in class two."
i think thats so cute
LMAOO it’s literally hilarious atp
im so desensitized to jaekyung's bulkshit i dont even care anymore. I just wanna see him suffer a lot >.< I dont want him and dan to be end game
LITERALLY?? Honestly like i feel like they r gonna end up together though, like i bet that Dan is gonna stop fucking jaekyung and he’s gonna lose his mat cuh es and realizes how much he needs Dan, beg for him back and Dan gets back with him tbh it’s predictable