Lotus's feed

Hmmmm... it reminds me more of solo leveling than orv. Pure power fantasy with good art. His nickname made cringe the first time actually though and there's no way other people wouldn't have either. I like that the brothers taller than him. That was cute and I like that theres a lot of scenes devoted to their sibling relationship. I thought the 3rd round with them chasing after the representative made like no sense. There's almost no benefits and you could've spent time on monsters instead. Like there was no reason for it to be coveted at all because the next rep would just be chased by other players again. Mc sorted as a nice guy by others was kind of weird because it only took like one sentence from him for that to happen even though he hasn't really helped people all that much. I like that the Mc isn't perpetually stoic too. I'll keep reading probably.