Vort June 16, 2020 6:53 pm

So, not for nothing, but when this runs it's course (no rush, it's soooooo good!) I sincerely hope that we get a sequel that centers around the daughter. She's just so damn awesome!

    Mewmewmewmotherfaker June 23, 2020 12:44 pm

    She feels like what a strong female lead should be! Clever, patient, calm and most importantly strong!

    Fluffyyoon June 23, 2020 8:19 pm

    Yes! W twin moments too, there so cute. I wanna see them all grown up!

Vort March 18, 2020 8:38 pm

Scrolling through enjoying the newest chapter of one of the best webtoons anywhere... and you notice the illustrator's subtle background inclusion of a character that looks suspiciously like Major Armstrong from FMA. Too funny and might I add, good taste. Well done!

Vort November 27, 2019 9:50 am

He sparred with the masters but didn't whoop them all? Him teaching his kids sort of implied he did, but he just implied that he didn't... I love this manga but sometimes it's frustrating how many things are only clear several chapters later. Oh well, MOAR PLZ!

    xicey November 30, 2019 4:34 am

    I think it was obvious he lost of them based on the wording but that does not mean he cant teach them things?

Vort August 24, 2019 8:57 pm

I see, we finish a good arc so we have to do some bad writing for a while? Because this trope has been done before and it's always bad. Kangaroo Court isn't fun to watch because no matter what logic you TRY to use to justify it, it never makes sense, and really just leaves the reader angry at the injustice. Can we just fast forward through this horrible, unoriginal, contrived nonsense and back into story progression?

    Meh -_- August 30, 2019 8:44 am

    -_- Its supposed to show how corrupt and twisted the ruling system is. Because he's just a commoner they can do whatever they want to him and get away with it. And did you honestly think something wouldn't happen? Because if so you need to read more manga.

    Vort August 31, 2019 12:45 am
    -_- Its supposed to show how corrupt and twisted the ruling system is. Because he's just a commoner they can do whatever they want to him and get away with it. And did you honestly think something wouldn't happ... Meh -_-

    What part of "this trope has been done before" didn't make sense to you? If your argument is that it is something that has to happen... it isn't. Since you're clearly defending the manga and not actually thinking, did you notice that there were no Silva or Vermillion in the crowd? 2/3 of the ROYAL FAMILIES conveniently omitted because it makes it easier for the author to try to sell this nonsense.
    "But, but, but... the system... and the corruption... "
    Your point is bad. Your argument is bad.

    Meh -_- August 31, 2019 6:06 am
    What part of "this trope has been done before" didn't make sense to you? If your argument is that it is something that has to happen... it isn't. Since you're clearly defending the manga and not actually thinki... Vort

    -_- Because house Kira is in control of the System, how else will the king make sure the peoople he hates are dead. And are ylu seriously unaware of just what the king can do in monarchy times. Things weren't equal like whats commonly shown in novels, mangas, movies, and tv shows, the kings could torture his citizens ro make them admit to things they didn't do to kill them. And nothing is ever equal in a monarchy. Or perhaps you didn't notice that Mimosa and the other nobles who found out seemed helpless to stop the situation which would not be the case if Vermillion and Silva usually had a spot on the Jury. Or did you not notice The king clearly doesn't like him. And did you not read anything in the manga but the last ark? The corruption of the nobles is something that has been a thing in the manga ever since Asta went to the capital. Their is a reason for everything that happens and it ties those things together in well. And just because you don't like it doesn't mean its bad. Its happening to show how far the corruption that has been built up for multiple arcs now goes.

    Vort September 1, 2019 8:50 am
    -_- Because house Kira is in control of the System, how else will the king make sure the peoople he hates are dead. And are ylu seriously unaware of just what the king can do in monarchy times. Things weren't e... Meh -_-

    All I see is someone trying to sound smart while rationalizing bad writing. You don't sound smart. Fans like you react to critiques against what you like as though they were critiques against you. You lack any semblance of critical thinking.

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 9:52 am
    All I see is someone trying to sound smart while rationalizing bad writing. You don't sound smart. Fans like you react to critiques against what you like as though they were critiques against you. You lack any ... Vort

    Resorting to personal insults. Really. And as for your line that their were no Silva or Vermillion nobles in the congress..... how can you tell a vermillion from a kira to a silva when they wear nothing bearing a houses symbol? Definition of A Kangaroo Court: is a sham legal proceeding or trial, one that denies due process and fairness in the name of expediency. The outcome of such a trial is essentially decided in advance for the purpose of providing a conviction; going through the motions of procedure is only done to make it "official". The defendant will likely be allowed no defense nor be allowed to call witnesses, present evidence or make objections. If they are allowed, they will be summarily overruled by the Hanging Judge that usually presides over the trial in question. Especially nasty versions may even slap the accused with "contempt of court" penalties for even trying to mount a defense. If the trial results in a death sentence, some people will use the term "judicial murder" to describe it. It is designed to be unjust and to make people angry. Its also to show how far the black bulls are willing to go for one another without jumping into another battle against a foreign foe before the clover kingdom has realistically recovered enough from the last arc to be ready for another war. What other inner turmoil besides the court system remains in the kingdom that would try to kill Asta? And unto to that extant were you expecting another war immediately after the last one when the kingdom is only just recovering? Now that would be contrived.

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 10:10 am
    Resorting to personal insults. Really. And as for your line that their were no Silva or Vermillion nobles in the congress..... how can you tell a vermillion from a kira to a silva when they wear nothing bearing... Meh -_-

    Ready enough for another war*

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 6:00 pm
    All I see is someone trying to sound smart while rationalizing bad writing. You don't sound smart. Fans like you react to critiques against what you like as though they were critiques against you. You lack any ... Vort

    And if you are referring to the clothes based on style for identifying them one of the nobles in the latest chapter is wearing clothes similar to the Silva nobles seen in chapter 174.

    Vort September 1, 2019 6:37 pm

    How dense is your skull that no thought can seep in, and only drivel seeps out? As though copy pasting the definition of kangaroo court is supposed to be a good argument? Contrivance is forcing an illogical situation to work... let's see, we created the new character of Damnatio Kira, who is apparently both high profile and never been seen before; we conveniently omitted some of the most powerful nobles in the nation in the high ranking Silva and Vermillion knights; laying blame at the widely regarded hero of the crisis... Seems pretty contrived to me. Listen, I try not to make it a habit to argue with children, so feel free to scream out into the internet, but your words aren't valuable enough for me to respond to anymore.

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 9:26 pm
    How dense is your skull that no thought can seep in, and only drivel seeps out? As though copy pasting the definition of kangaroo court is supposed to be a good argument? Contrivance is forcing an illogical sit... Vort

    I presented evidence of Silva being in the court via the clothing. Because their is literally no other way of identifying a silva or vermillion
    or any noble or royal beyond what they would wear, and the reason why Nozel and Fuegolean aren't their can be easily explained by the fact their leading the rebuilding. And WHY would a noble who's position is strictly

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 9:27 pm
    I presented evidence of Silva being in the court via the clothing. Because their is literally no other way of identifying a silva or vermillion or any noble or royal beyond what they would wear, and the reason... Meh -_-

    Related to the court system be involved in anything Asta has come in contact with so far to show up? Their is no reason for that to happen.

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 9:30 pm
    Related to the court system be involved in anything Asta has come in contact with so far to show up? Their is no reason for that to happen. Meh -_-

    And by that I mean up until someone he knows or him in this case has to be involved in avscape goat or accusation. Such as the case.

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 9:37 pm
    Related to the court system be involved in anything Asta has come in contact with so far to show up? Their is no reason for that to happen. Meh -_-

    And as Damnatio pointed out multiple times Asta has no evidence of the Demon, as least not ones he would be willing to present: the elves. And its not like he stood triumphantly over the demons corpse in the middle the city as everyone watched. Not too mention at the end when the elves spirits were released from the bodies everyone thought it was Vangance who saved them not Asta. And a congress does not mean military officials are supposed to be involved. Its a court system not a military system.

Vort August 20, 2019 8:03 pm

So I know they announced a delay between ep83 and 84, but 85 and 86 are already out, but not yet translated. Are there any other translators working on this?

    WaifuMarrano August 26, 2019 4:56 am

    I think the translator(s) taking a break

Vort July 20, 2019 8:51 am

I don't know I can read this episode. The thought of something happening to my pups... Especially something so gruesome caused by me... This episode is too much for me.

Vort July 15, 2019 9:36 am

<twitch twitch> I've been checking every 2 hours since Friday hoping that they'd post early... but now it's been 10 days. I'm in withdrawal!

Vort July 5, 2019 7:39 pm

They kidnapped the brothers, but where's the daughter? She wasn't kidnapped so far as we know, she was off studying her letters but should be home by now...

Vort June 27, 2019 7:22 pm

Hold my beer, this won't take long.

    sterven July 31, 2019 3:43 pm

    *watching the show while drinking ale* hiccup!! a show is gonna be good

Vort March 31, 2019 9:10 pm

Ugh, I need the next 10 chapters immediately!

    Eta11 April 1, 2019 12:54 am


    jcap10 April 29, 2019 10:45 pm
    SAME! Eta11

    I agree. T.T
    this waiting is killing me.

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