The writing on this is almost insultingly bad, and yet I keep reading. It's like when a drunk person tells you a story, it's a terribly told story, disjointed and most doesn't make any sense, but it can still be interesting and you want to know how it ends. That's this. Bad but I still want to know how it ends.

Yeah, it's like that, at least for me. Everyone likes different things and I'm not saying that the novel is the best thing I read, but it portrays some things better than the manga. Like Sylvies "evolution" when she came to rescue Art from the collapsing dungeon. She looked way better in the novel and I can't understand why didn't they drawn her as she was described, but that just the minor details.

I've made similar posts before but...
I love this manga, however, I'm seriously hoping that the author spins the daughter off into her own manga eventually. The brothers are cool too, but they're side characters, great ones, but not more than that. She's just got that star power to carry her own story. I'm in no rush to see this one end, but I really want to see her in her own story.
Honestly we wouldn't even need to see this one end. We could get a time skip to where her story starts and her story can fill in some of the events of Peerless Dad as the story progresses.

Why did they show Domain of the Monarch? That isn't relevant. In the LN (not really a spoiler at this point) he goes to Shadow Swap but it's still on cooldown. I was expecting it to show his Shadow Swap still being on cooldown but instead it shows Domain of the Monarch? Wouldn't have taken much to clarify that point, but they simply gloss over it at the end of this chapter. Just weird, right?

I've read the LN and I'm gonna complain so BEWARE SPOILERS
First off, I like this enough to fairly enjoy reading it, but there is A LOT of bad writing in this. Like this is obviously a pretty cool setup, right?
Except nope. The author never does anything with it. It's just used so that Art can attend the school, that's it. Apparently the fucking renowned adventurer Note (remember everyone talking about him in the tavern and picking a fight with him for zero reason?) drops off the face of the planet immediately afterward and nobody thinks anything of it. The Wykes, who know that there's someone out there with a vendetta against their kid, and would obviously monitor the situation to at least make sure he abides the restriction and doesn't come near them, aren't the least bit suspicious when he never goes on a single quest ever again? Sorry but that's just a lame contrived setup that anyone who's not a critical reader will just blow past, but anyone with half an ounce of logic in their brain should be stuck scratching their head at.
Stuff like this happens over and over. The author comes up with pretty cool scenarios that just don't fit together well at all. He's a decent writer, but he needs an editor to slap him around and say "you need at least SOME continuity to this, you can't just have action scene after action scene."
Okay flame away, defend the author all you want, I've heard it all when I level similar comments against other mediocre/sub-par writers. "It's their story, let hem write how they want."
"You just think you're smart, but you have no idea what you're talking about."
"Blah blah blah, I'm incapable of critical thought."

I actually agree but I suck at articulating my own sentences with like everything because the story so far was flowing pretty good had some hiccups and some what the fuck is this happening in wine how the hell did it happen properly type a thing but I know that the next part that’s coming up after this chapter is going to disappoint the living shit out of me it’s gonna just be a piece of shit but I’m still gonna read it because it will have some amount of enjoyment

Honestly, that is what an editor is these days: almost a co-writer. Editors read your drafts and basically tell the author what sucks and how to fix it (obviously more politely than that). Some people don't have the attention span or creativity or simply the drive to be authors, but excel at detecting weaknesses and/or how to improve them. It's not wrong to point out what an author does poorly, even if it is their prerogative to write their story however poorly they choose.

I'm really hoping that from this fight he'll learn how the lost arts from his manuscript work. He knew the images and the forms but not really how they work, so after seeing them from this guy hopefully he can put together how they work and actually practice them. I'm not thinking it'll be right away, but once he is able to practice them he'll be able to become a true master (even more so than he already is).
Also, maybe this monster dude will provide some clue about a link to his master as well. <fingers crossed>

Guys, I get it, this is amazing. I love it, I've read the LN and still enjoy the webtoon. That said, not everyone wants to see the spoilers, so can we just stop posting them here? Go on reddit, or fandom or read the LN if you want spoilers. Some people like the suspense, so why ruin it for them just to prove that you read the LN?
In this story, as far as Dylan is aware, she's cast as the villain. So really this new appearance could be our 'heroine'. ;)