My wife showed this to me earlier and... well obviously figured I'd share it here.
Try not to lose your minds, but yeah, I'm pretty f***ing excited too.

Okay so like 80-90% of my comments are about how bad a manga/webtoon is. When I talk about how good one is, I goddamn mean it. This one is such a fantastic blend of goofy, clever, sincere, and exciting.
I was legit hoping that Rai would down-play how powerful the dragon was in comparison to his own strength, buuuut it seems more likely that his current strength is limited by Ginny's mana. I'm really hoping that something cool comes of this new dragon associate (friendship?).
I just want more... I feel like that's a good problem to have though.

This is the webtoon equivalent of a 7yr old playing superheroes with their friends...
Kid 1 - "I can fly and I have super strength!"
Kid 2 - "Me too, I can fly and have super strength and super speed and laser eyes and invisibility!!!"
Kid 3 - "You can't have all of them, you have to pick two!"
Kid 2 - "No, I'm super powerful, I'm the best superhero so I have all of them. And I can freeze stuff... and make explosions!"
Kid 1 - "It's no fun if you have all of them, pick two!"
Kid 2 - "... And I can stop time and control plants."
Nobody likes that kid. This author is dumb.

What?? .-. this is just idiotic thinking is this your first time reading something like this? Like ever? This one is a lot better than most when it comes to power scaling he doesn't have it all just either basic skills anybody can get or just skills based off of his class.. .-. for instance the assassins Powers he can't have those XD he's only op because he dedicates his whole life to the game and worked his ass off unlike other stories where they just get powerful out of nowhere

First off... Uhhhhnggg, why am I torturing myself reading this. Some fun stuff but mostly just a worse knockoff of the already bad Legendary Moonlight Sculptor.
Second off: How dumbbbbb "i w0nDurrr iF tHiS gOeS aGaInSt ThE RuLeS" It's a fcking game... it's coded. You can can't go against the coding. If it's coded that it's allowed, it's allowed. Even if the rules weren't coded, the GameMasters could look at his inventory and see he's not. So stopped that the author tries to gin up drama in such a braindead way.
I'll end my rant here instead of further TL;DR'ing myself.

how's this a knock off of legendary moonlight sculptor?
that's a rhetorical question. I don't need your input on it.
I'll completely respect your opinion when you say you don't enjoy reading this but what i won't respect is you comparing two amazing stories and then calling one a knock off just because they vaguely resemble each other.

"I will respect your opinion but I don't respect it at all, also this is rhetorical so please don't expand my worldview by explaining how wrong I am."
-At the most basic... Overpowered Main Character, okay that's basically a whole genre.
-OP MC in an MMO, still a genre, but a very bad one. Games are coded. They have balance. Authors of this genre have a fetish for being a 1-main-raid-team. It's dumb.
-MC somehow does things that most players I've ever met in MMOs also do, but apparently blows the mind of everybody in this world. "You mean he min-maxed?!?! NANI?!"
**So in both games our MC finds a hidden class, does very obvious things to power up their character, then clears content that is designed for twice their level range, all the while the game world thinks they're cheating or fake news. It's the same story with vague differences.
You're entitled to like whatever you like. This is perfectly enjoyable if you don't (or aren't capable of) thinking too hard about it, but if you want to get snarky with someone smarter than you, don't think you can head off having your argument poked full of holes simply because you claim you "don't need [their] input on it."

you know, for a second i gave a fuck and was going to respond with something pertaining to this whole entire disagreement but then i lost all interest and didn't even read all of it lmao. I don't really care what you liked from what you didn't like. You do you sis/bro. Just go read a different book. Also judging by the length of this shit and the opening statement imma assume you insulted me and shall respond with the simplest response in the history of humans : FUCK YOU!!!
i also know you're probably going to respond to this so a word of advice from me; instead of writing an essay which i most certainly will not be reading recommend me some more books to read. Thanks in advance.

I know very that i am quiet good at understanding things and forming critical thoughts. I also know that i have better things in life to do than argue over irrelevant things. Dude. I don't care anymore. Just suggest me some books to read. Like honestly, i lost all interest in the argument a while ago.

So I just want to say that this part....
"It's a fcking game... it's coded. You can can't go against the coding. If it's coded that it's allowed, it's allowed."
Doesn't make sense, cuz that's how cheating and whole "aganist rules" works, you just need to hack the game or outsmat admins (which are not even difficult), but I guess it's popular to speak about something we clearly have no idea about huuh

Wow, so this is your argument, huh? I'm retarded? Guess now even retarded person can have an engineer degree in computer science (=・ω・=)
Oh and please stop, you just humiliating yourself saying 'I wAs abOuT tO go InTo a WhoLe lOnG tHinG BUT.., if you don't have anything smart to say and you just want to start argument, well... what a sad life you have :(

Just because they don't agree with what you said doesn't mean they are retarded. And they have the degree which means they have a way better understanding of stuff.
And another thing about that scene where the people talk about whether it is allowed in the game are not. You guys are thinking wayyyy to deep into this. Just because they are playing the game doesn't mean they know every detail about the game like the way coding works. Also they are such things called loopholes. Coding doesn't always cover everything.
ACTUALLY, now that i think about it, i am pretty sure that was a rhetorical question that was exaggerated. I, for one, when my friends do something absolutely ridiculous but the teachers allow or ignore it, i usually go 'is that legal?'. I would have a basic understanding of the school rules but what they did would be so extreme i would still question it. You get me? Understand what i'm trying to say? Or are you just going to ignore everything i just said, refuse to make up a proper counter argument and then insult my intelligence instead? And how old are you?? 13?? Do you have anger issues? Are you insecure about your own level of intelligence? Do you have friends??????????????? (If you need an addition to your friend group i would love to join. like legit. i ain't even being sarcastic)

You very clearly missed my point. You assume he as a degree because he claims to have a degree. It's the internet, anyone can claim whatever they want. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry, but why should I bring it up because why should you believe me? The merits of my argument should make sense to anyone smart enough to understand them.
And "Actually, now that I think about it" have you ever played a game? If you play World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Rainbow6, or any other game... if someone beats you, do you believe it is possible that they cheated? This isn't school, with your teachers. The real world isn't coded such that there are inviolable rules (if you try to say "nah uh, physics" I'm going to have to figure out a way to have less respect for you... and I'm not sure it's possible). Games ARE coded such that there are inviolable rules. Why are you comparing a game to school? I mean, maybe it makes sense why the writing is so bad if the author, like you, thinks that games are like school.

My wife told me about this so I started reading it. Really enjoyable, well written. The author does a great job of seamlessly transitioning from comic to serious. The darkest parts are interspersed with great comic relief...
ANYWAY, happily reading along, gotta know what happens next and BAM, out of available chapters. FUCK FUCK GODDAMN IT FUCK. Now to wait episode to episode. Sadface...
Skip Beat would be old enough to purchase alcohol! Exciting, maybe it’ll wrap up before it can run for President!