I only got to ch 6, and maybe it's just me, but I'm a bit confused about the story. Maybe the translations don't make sense, but it seems like the story is moving a bit fast or that things are being left out of the plot. Idk, it might just be me. But for something with a 9.6 rating, I was expecting it to be a lot better.
Possible Spoiler ahead...
It makes me sad to think that in the original story when she was left in the prison room by her father, he was probably planning on breaking her out of there. If the prince is his student, then he probably went in there to save her, but had to make it look as if he was there to torture her or something. But she misunderstood and chose to kill herself. Since her father loves her so much, he was probably devastated and distraught to learn that she killed herself.
I get the misunderstandings is part of the story, but I can't wait until they're able to have an actual conversation and she learns just how much her father really cares.