Listen I ADORE the dynamic and development between these 2 so much but can jian yi and zhengxi get two seconds of uninterrupted screen time PLEASE guanshan and he tian are lightyears ahead in their development but jian yi and zhan zhengxi are in almost the exact same state as the beginning it's crazy not even a bit more exposition on jian yis family or anything like BRO

I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying lmao the point is if you put he tian and mo guanshan from the beginning of the series up against their current selves they're almost completely different in their dynamic with each other and what we know about their characters.
For jian yi and zhan zhengxi however, their relationship has had much less changes, revelations, or meaningful moments. They've had some good scenes and I like seeing them together being close as always, but theyre kinda repetitive in their interactions now.
Also we had much more exposition on the former 2 and their families and personalities compared to the latter 2 who, again, are noticeably underdeveloped in comparison.
Crying why did Andrew look so genuinely ecstatic watching it come out of Luke's ass