Just finished reading the raws and I gotta say I have a huge headache bcuz of all the dramas to come so y'all brace yourselves┗( T﹏T )┛
Here's the raws http://www.kuaikanmanhua.com/web/topic/596/ enjoy ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Idk, I feel like she's related to Ah (blond hair) somehow, but I hate her too, so from the looks of it, it seems like she even stalked Ao (black hair) from they were in elementary school, looks like some blackmailing was going on, I get that something bad happened to her and I'm sorry for her there but bitch!! when u use ur tragedy as an advantage for people to pity u or say "awww you've been through a rough time so u deserve to be with him" nah it doesn't work that way, and forcing they guy to spend time with u won't make him like u anymore than how he despises u, yes everyone has a right to like someone but everyone also has a right to reject that person, especially if they don't have any interest with being with u r just playing around and killing time, all I'm saying when it comes to yaoi and there r pushy bitches r stalkers involve I hate it bcuz u don't know when their jealousy will take over and they'll stab u r push u down a flight of stairs (like in super lovers).....ლ(´ڡ`ლ) soory for the long reply lol
This is beyond some seriously messed up shit, jealousy is a cruel mf and it seriously needs to die out literally