I first shipped HaruRin but then I saw more pics and different doujinshi on Free and now my ships are like EVERYWHERE!! I have no idea who to ship so I'm just like I'm shipping everybody
You said my thoughts out loud I literally was in love with Rin and Haru and hated the fact that I'd see pictures of MakoHaru ships everywhere but then I started reading so many free mangas... My life is almost complete I ship everyone in this freaking anime.ヾ(☆▽☆)
I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH!! everytime I see it I just have to read it's so fabulous like mg and I love how original it is in its own way. I could read this forever.
That was hilarious just like Why?! like u know what I should make rin get horny for haru in strange life form to prove he loves him.mYes I shall do this
The beer.
My thoughts exactly xd
Out of everything, it was your comment that made me read this.