Does anyone know this Manhwa?
It's a kinda historical manhwa, MC got framed by their ex boyfriend, and send into a place where they met ML. At first, ML hate them. MC is some kind of scientist (?)/inventor/doctor, they made something useful for ML's job. I think it's a medicine, idk, forgor. But, it's stolen by Mc's ex, so everyone thought that this invention is MC's Ex work. That's why ML hate MC. I remember that ML also misunderstood them about something different too. Mc is like a nurse in this place.
Then, Mc's Ex came to find them, because he's scared MC will told anyone about the truth, yada yada yada. ML eavesdropping them, and he knows now. I dont remember anything beyond this part.
I dont remember if it's BL or straight romance, I lean on bl tho. I'm not sure.

Kinda similiar with this. But I don't think it was it.

I'm pretty sure it's that one

Does anyone know this manga?
It's seme x seme trope. Mc is the prince type seme, he is the uke in their relationship.
Mc is frustrated or something (I forgot), because anyone is talking about ml. They said ml is better (in bed) than him.
They met, and I don't know how, Mc is in ml's restaurant/house. Mc accidentally let his prince persona down, and ml saw it. They do it I guess.
I don't remember the conflict, but I do know that ml and Mc almost had a foursome with 2 other uke. I think that before this, they're arguing about something, and separate for a while. They are not in relationship yet. At the end, they can't do the foursome, and got together, yay. I forgot the title

I think this one?

I'm sorry for my bad grammar. I don't remember the title and I don't have any image of the manhwa too. I found the manhwa!! The title is Final Stop, and just a warning, the seme is actually as bad as jaekyung I think, but he has a redemption arc.
It's a bl manhwa. Uke has debt, seme offer to paid all of it in exchange for something, I guess it's sexual intercourse. Uke refuse the offer, and seme made all of uke's employer fired him. Uke agreed to his offer.
For some reason uke has to live with seme for his own safety. Seme doesn't allow uke to enter his workspace, but ofc he entered the room. Uke find something in the drawer. It's his photo with seme.
Seme and uke is a childhood friend. seme's family had to hide in a countryside because seme's uncle is a bitch. Uke lived with his grandpa. Uke's father is a bitch too. Because uke's father, seme's parent died. So ye, seme resent uke too, but he regret it later.
If you know the manhwa's title, can you tell me please

i think the plot is pretty similar to this

ok, i think it's probably this
I've been looking for a comic named Wendigo, but there's nothing when I searched it. I'm pretty sure there is uplouder for Wendigo. is the comic got deleted?