ugh this story depicts toxic relationships so well. seeing their past, it's easier for us to understand why she couldn't let go and chose to stay in that relationship for so long.

Ikr. And I'm sure a lot of us can relate. Even when the one we love isn't the one he used to be anymore, we still cling to the good memories we had. We have hope that they will remember themselves and how they were. But unfortunately they won't and we will end up drained and shattered. But the qst remains the same. How abd why he changed ?! He was cute and he was definitely in love with her. Why he become a whole different man. I can't hate him after seing how much he cared about her. I just hope he is redeemed and that he let's Na haesoo alone. I dot want problems between him and Taeha
genas giving books to enoch and taking him out on walks he was really trying to save his brother from his depression.
obv his approach with forcing juliette and enoch to be wed was not the smartest, but you could tell from his actions how desperate he was to save enoch.
no one can tell me that genas didn't love his brother.
and juliette's brother calling her his first child