WHY would author add this horrendous side story?! The abuse is just so sad and this poor kid is going to be messed up for life from this. I'm only reading the updates because I want to know what kind of "redemption arc" this magaka thinks is worth all of this. Way to ruin a main story with an unparalleled traumatic experience.
Anyone know when the end of this volume will be up and/or about a volume 3? I started reading this whole related series thinking it was all complete and now I cry waiting ╥﹏╥
Chapter 2 the cat is straight up saying "the fuck you doing kid?" when he's sniffing the pillow.... He usually gives a good side eye but that one was so damn funny!
Really wish I would've checked more comments before reading this one. I don't do well with character deaths! Lots of triggers and anguish here so be careful other sad girls like me! Still, a really captivating albeit horrifying story.
I'm so confused. It says ongoing but there's been no updates for a long time and the last chapter said the end at the bottom but things were unfinished... what's the tea here?
WHY would author add this horrendous side story?! The abuse is just so sad and this poor kid is going to be messed up for life from this. I'm only reading the updates because I want to know what kind of "redemption arc" this magaka thinks is worth all of this.
Way to ruin a main story with an unparalleled traumatic experience.