I looked ahead and although I cant read Korean, I speculated a bit and I must say, she ain’t all she might seem LetheanDragon
(⊙…⊙ ) Oohhhh that’s why I can’t do the raws! I already can’t read Korean (or anything but English. I know so uncultured ╥﹏╥) so I’ll just be touring myself trying to imagine what was said based on the art!! Oh I love this manhwa so much. I was so happy when I first saw it on Tappytoon
Okay so, I don’t like Yahwi. I liked him at first, but he’s such an unlikeable character. Hope he’ll go trough hell like Jiwon (BJ Alex) or at least fuck off
Not really sure why there’s so hype about the season 2. This was overall a mediocre and quite unoriginal read, with unimpressive and veery fictional characters - but, oh well, I’m gonna read it too
There are plenty of BDSM manga’s out there a lot better than this, honey BekaMadder
I’m aware, “hOnEy”~ this just has a different feel to it compared to others, not saying it’s the best, but it’s definitely something lots of readers here like about it
My boyfriend got me harada’s work “Nega” and “Posi” for my birthday - it seems here in Italy are translating their works into real mangas. I’m so happy and touched
This manhwa has followed me from the very start, it was one of the first I’ve ever read. I’ll miss this with all my heart.