I don't know I just remembered ... Lan Zhan just drank vineger ... Now the bite mark.will remain forever ... Wwx won't be able to forget him .... I will be dense like wwx
I don't know I just remembered ... Lan Zhan just drank vineger ... Now the bite mark.will remain forever ... Wwx won't be able to forget him .... I will be dense like wwx Erin
He didn't bite him hard enough, he wanted to but didn't have the heart to actually hurt him like that
I hope Ian realises that he needs to stay away from Ray. I don’t mind them ending up together but not like this, not when Ray is a acting like a mf son of a bitch
The tea is hot I can agree with you on it. I think when he is being decent he's okay but It's been so little moments of that for me to put any faith that he will workout.
Lan Zhang is freaking adorable when jelly. Plus, WWX, how can you be so dense?
I don't know I just remembered ... Lan Zhan just drank vineger ... Now the bite mark.will remain forever ... Wwx won't be able to forget him .... I will be dense like wwx
He didn't bite him hard enough, he wanted to but didn't have the heart to actually hurt him like that