The amount of times ive wanted to start this but I litreally couldnt because of how genuinely ugly that yt dude is
The amount of times ive wanted to start this but I litreally couldnt because of how genuinely ugly that yt dude is
We should honestly bring politics into this like i want to ask joe biden if hes team cain or yahwi
the way a mans whole face changes once he cuts his hair skskskksksk plastic surgery for men
always correct. follow back i don't bite + follow my lists for taste xoxo
I love weak fls
I love pathetic fls
I love cringey fls
I love dumb fls
I love kind hearted fls
I love evil fls
I love insane fls
I love toxic and problematic fls
I love in general allll female leads
I use the my experience as a diary so idrc
Satomi ishihara and Gojo number one fan in the world
I use experience tab as my diary
read one chapter.....tiktok mfs are going to hell...
the way sport bls are always the best like keystone combination, sweetspot, lucky paradise the list goes on.....
it has been FOUR years already author do something else plssss you will not flop lmao