I ship it I ship it I ship it! Don't tell me you don't either hmm...siwon and jinha..when things go wrong with mr. Evil...I find the evil people hot though...is that wrong of me?...I mean boy with brown hair and red eyes in manga and anime always work me up, and maybe boys with black hair and blue eyes...Tch...I cant make my mind up do a threesome

Its so sad! I'm still crying even though I'm smiling damn it! What am I gonna do?!? I mean an English singer called Ed Sheeran used to stutter that was until he rapped and english rappers songs. Ed managed to rap them all forwards and backwards. but this....this is some serious stuff and im still crying god kill me and forgive my sins!..

Come on love I saw that brick from a mile away! If he's gonna fight you why have your jacket on anyway it'll add more weight! Even that never took a genius! And peach hurry up and save loves sorry butt that if, you really do adore him like you say you do! But you're all just so cuteee~~
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Crying...so sad, i wish evil brown haired red eyed dude will die and king whatever and brown hair brown eyed whatever boy would get back together
okay so you want XUAN to die and KING JINHA and SIWON to be happy ... so I dude
had to put their names in caps since you didn't know them lol
I don't pay attention to the names! i only love the story, don't make me feel embarrassed!! ^.^