You guys I want to clean manga
DM me please
I'll give you my email

Contact a scanlation group?

Try contacting this user http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/3915606/

So now that Kasane's ended I'm feeling those blues you feel after realising that your favourite Manga has ended
(If you haven't read it already and are a fan of psychological thriller you should read it. It's insanely interesting
I know that there's a live action but it's not subbed yet (can't find any raws either) but I don't think it'll do the manga any justice (I'm too broke to buy the Blu-ray)
So I wish there will be an anime adaptation because that would be really cool
Whoever's read the manga, would you watch the anime?
Also if you've watched the live action can you please send me the link to it? It's okay if it's not subbed
K then bye

You guys know any Soukoku doujinshi?
Can you please give me some recommendations?

https://myreadingmanga.info/bungo-stray-dogs-dj/ there are a lot of soukoku doujins here, translated and not translated... just a little few are translated tho...
((hope you have fun, i prefer chuuya being the seme, so i never have fun iejwoijefij))

Can someone please tell me what this T-Series Vs Pewdiepie is all about??

I've heard enough to tell you young one...
There was once a man which stood at the top but another was rising.. The man who was losing his place was named Pewdiepie. He was the person everyone loved but he wasn't the only one. Another named T-Series was slowly claiming his top place..
But most didn't want this person to stand on top as the loved Pewdiepie..
Young one, this was the tale of Pewdiepie and T-Series..

pewdiepie is most subscribed youtube channel that isn’t a channel made by youtube (example: YouTube Music, YouTube Sports) T-Series is less than 400,000k i’m subscribers than him and they’re gonna take the spot for #1 subscribed youtube channel am doin pewdiepie made a joke about how the BroArmy must keep him at the top (even tho he doesn’t rly care about being #1) now pewdiepie fans are doing what they can, example: buying billboards in their state/country to promote PewDiePie, going onto the radio to tell people to subscribe to him, hacking printers, telling all family members to subscribe
Are manga pages loading fine for everyone? Do they just not show up for you or is it just me?
Same even the cover photo
I have to refresh several times